| Shigeru Kan-no
| Skills:
| Accompanist, Arranger, Composer, Conductor, Teacher, Writer, Dramaturgy
| Phone:
| +49-2682-670-188
| Fax:
| +49-2682-670-188
| Address:
| Heuptstr.17, Hilgenroth 57612, Germany
| Links:
Website E-mail |
| Short-CURRICULUM VITAE by Shigeru Kan-no A Japanese Composer-Conductor. In Aoki/ Iino/ Fukushima/ Japan. Studies in Fukushima, Tokyo, Wien, Stuttgart, Ludwigsburg and Frankfurt with Shimazu, Nishimura, Österreicher, Bernstein, Lachenmann, Rilling and Zender: theory, piano, composition, conducting and musicology. Get 28 times Competiton and Conducting Prizes. Get 15 times Fellowship and Bursarry. 12 times Particicipating with Great Composers Seminar and/or private Lesson. 12 times Invitation at the Festivales for New Music. 12 times Tournee-Ptoject. 7 Seminares for Composers *over 100 Opera-repertoires, 500 Concert-repertoires. WVE-Number:The total number of own works in Europe only is 217 plus 10 electric music and cinema music; 18 Arranges; ca.100 Arranges of Originals Agent/Konzertvermittlung 1. „Agent Double“, Jocelyne Viviane Julie, 57 rue Gloriette, F-71100 Chalon sur Salone, France; Tel/Fax:03-85-93-58-20, E-mail: 2. „Studio für Bewegungs Chiffren“, Diana-Maria Sagvoskina, Schwarenbergerstr.71, D-70188 Stuttgart/Germany; Tel./Fax:0711-282338; E-mail: Home Page: Home Page: Adress: 1.Hauptstr.17, 57612 Hilgenroth, Germany; Tel./Fax:02682-670-188 e-mail: (If absent) 2. Azasainouchi 86, Aoki, Iinomachi, Dategun, Fukushimaken, Japan 960-1303;Tel/Fax:0081 24 562 3311
Work List by Shigeru Kan-no: WVE-Version WVE-Work List only as Music Score for Acoustic Instruments (Vorläufiges Werk-Verzeichnis nur nach Europäschen Zeit; after 1st. Sep. 1986) 1. Blechbläserquintett I „Noiram“ for 2 Trumpets and 3 Trombones (8.12.1986/A-1090 Wien, 9. Bezirk, Lustkandlgasse 51/32) ca.14 min. World Premire (8.11.87/in Nagoya) Veranstalter: Nagoya-Kultur-Förderung-Stiftung, Nagoya Kultur Preis/ Klassik-Walmsburg-Edition 2. S-Etude für Posaune und Klavier (30.12.1986/A-1090 Wien, 9. Bezirk, Lustkandlgasse 51/32) ca.2 min. 3. Mythos VII für Klavier solo (17.4.1987/ in Buda-Penta Hotel bei Budapest) ca. 6 min. First recording (privat)(3.7.97/Stuttgart) ca. 6 min. %3-a Mosaik für Altsaxophon in Es und Klavier (30.6.87/Wien;New Edition 20.3.1988/Wien) ca.8 min. 3-b. Mosaik für Klarinette in B und Klavier (6.4.2001/Hilgenroth) ca.8 min. 4. Steichduo I für Geige und Cello “Freiburgisches Thema“ (6.7.1987/Freiburg) ca.5 min.World Premire 7.11.95/Stuttgart/Andreas Kaefer und Stefan Gräsle in Landesgirokasse, Veranstalter Künststiftung Baden-Württemberg; 2nd Performance (1.Déc.2000/Grenoble/Eybens) L´Idysée à 20h30/ Ensemble Aleph: Christoph Roy et Noëmi Schindler 5. Mythos VIII für Klavier solo (22.7.1987/Hilgenroth;New Edition mit kleinem Klavierstück an 8.8.1988 in Darmstadt) First recording (privat) (3.7.97/Stuttgart) 6. String Quartet I „Wien“ (30.8.87/Wien; New Edition17.3.88/Wien) ca. 15 min. 7. Menagerie III für Blä - 1 -11ßer und Schlagzeug (30.9.1987/Wien; New Edition 26.6.96/Stuttgart) 222-4230-Pk+Banda+Piano+Chor ca.17 min. 8. Stück für Flöte und Holzschlagzeuger (21.10.1987/Stuttgart) ca.3 min. 9. Stück für Posaune und Metalschlagzeug (22.10.1987/Stuttgart) ca.4 min. 10. Mythos IX für Klavier solo (27.10.87/Stuttgart) ca.5 min. Klassik-Walmsburg-Edition World Premire (5.11.95 Stuttgart um 20:00 Uhr) in Landesgirokasse, Veranstalter Künststiftung Baden-Württemberg 11. Kleines Stück für 2 Metalschlagzeuger und 4 Bratschen (2.11.87/Stuttgart;New Edition9.6.96/Stuttgart) ca.6 min. 12. 5 Lottospiele für Metalschlagzeuger und Klavier (4.11.87/Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen, Hördtstraße 44;New Edition 11.12.93) ca.8 min. 13. Stück für Altsaxophon Klavier und 2 Pauker (23.11.87/Wien;New Edition 5.7.92/Stuttgart) ca.8 min. 14. Flute Quartet I für 4 Flöten mit 4 Altflöten (20.1.1988/Stuttgart;New Edition 3.11.98/Stuttgart) ca.5 min. 15. Holzbläserquintett (16.2.1988/Stuttgart, Olgastraße 19) ca.10 min. 15-a. Sextett für Holbläßer und Metalschlagzeuger (19.11.98/Stuttgart) ca.10 min. 16. Blechbläßerquintett II für 2 Tp.Hr,Po,Tb (6.6.1988/Stuttgart) ca.10 min. 17. Paukenstück (18.8.1988/Stuttgart) ca.17 min. 18. Sonate für Sopran Blockflöte und Klavier (26.8.1988/Stuttgart) ca.7 min. 19. „Ruhige Intuition“ für Flöte, Geige und Cello (28.8.1988/Stuttgart) ca. 8 min. World Premire am 31.1.91/Stuttgart an der MHS 401 um 20:00 Uhr, Veranstalter Musikhochschule Stuttgart) Babara Rosnitschek, Andreas Kaefer, Konrad Gorka: Klassik-Walmsburg-Edition % 19-a. Ruhige Intuition“ für Flöte, Geige, Cello und Holzschlagzeug (15.8.98/Stuttgart) ca.8 min. 20. Eine Pflicht für Geige solo ca.20 min. (19.10.98/Stuttgart) World Premire um 20 Uhr, 7.11.95/Stuttgart/Andreas Kaefer in Landesgirokasse, Veranstalter: Künststiftung Baden-Württemberg; 21. Die Metal-Musik für 3 Metalschlagzeuger(1.9.1988/Stuttgart) ca.24 min. 22. „Situation on the Situation“ für Kammerorchester (30.10.88/Wien) ca.14 min. (1111-2100-0-66442) WP:12. Domingo April 92 in Murcia/Spain, Organisation: Universität Murcia mit Orchester Universität Münster unter Joahim Herder, Klassik Walms Edition; Cieza 13.April 92.; 3rd Cartagena14.April 92.; 4th.Performance. in Torre Pacheco 15.April 92: Murcia Compositions Prize, 1st Priz ; Verlag Klassik-Walmsburg-Edition 23. Streichduo II für 2 Kontrabässe (20.11.88/Stuttgart;New Edition 5.7.92/18.12.93) ca.8 min. Nagoya Kultur Prize 24. Streichtrio I für Geige, Bratsche und Cello (22.11.88/Stuttgart) ca.30 min. World Premire um 20 Uhr 7.11.95/ Stuttgart/ in Landesgirokasse, Veranstalter Künststiftung Baden-Württemberg; Andreas Kaefer, Rollanda Cechanauskaiten Anna Skorupskam, Stefan Gräsle 24-a. Streichtrio-Zwilling für 2 Geigen und Bratsche (16.2.1989/Stuttgart) ca.25 min. World Premire um 20 Uhr, 7.11.95/ in Stuttgart Landesgirokasse; Andreas Kaefer, Rollanda Cechanauskaiten Anna Skorupskam, Stefan Gräsle 25. Untergrundbewegung für Trompete mit Flügelhorn, Euphonium mit Tuba und Klavier mit Celesta (30.11.88/Stuttgart) ca. 9 min. 26. Kammerkonzert I für 13 Spieler (27.5.1989/Stuttgart) für Isang Yun Komposition Seminar in Pforzheim am 5.Mai 1990, ca.15 min. 27. Ein großes Präludium „Zitat von Zitat für 3. Wiener Schule“ (22.9.1989/Stuttgart: 4444-8442-2Pk,4Sch-4Hf-Pf mit Cel-20,18,14,12,10) ca. 20 min. 28. Kammer-Spezial-Konzert für 3.Wiener Schule für 11 Spielers (2.10.1989/Stuttgart) (1111-0110,2Sch,Pf,10001) ca.6 min. 29. Späne for Piano solo (7.10.1989/Stuttgart) ca.8 min. First Recording 3.7.97 in Stgt bei Diana; WP. März Anfang 1991. by Composer in Shijuku/ Tokyo/ Japan; 2. Aufführung 4.4.98 in Horb by 20:00, Organisation: Städtischen Musikschule Horbin SMS Horb; 3.Aufführung 10.5.98 Stgt. Organisation Theater Tredichin 11 Uhr ; 4. Aufführung.17.5.98 Haus Morgenstern in Stgt um 16 Uhr Organisation Haus Morgenstern; 5. Aufführung 5.7.98 in Rudorf Steiner Haus um 11 Uhr; 6. Aufführung 15.9.98 in Bürgerhospital 18 Uhr Organisation: Bürger Hospital Stuttgart;7. Aufführung Am 7.11.98 in Göppingen um 20 Uhr:Michaelkirche=Veranstalter; 8. Aufführung am 8.11.98 in Welzheim um 17:00, Organisation Annete Penzkofer; 9. Aufführung am 15.11.98 in Rudorf Steiner Haus Stuttgart=Veranstalter, 16:30; 10. Aufführung am 22.11.98 in Sgt. Theater Tredichin=Veranstalter um 17 Uhr; 11. Aufführung am 11.3.2000 in Rudorf Steiner Haus Stuttgart, Veranstalter Marco Bindelli; 12. Aufführung am 11.3,2000 um 20 Uhr in Rudorf Steiner Haus, Veranstalter: Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungsgesellschaft e.V; 13. Aufführung am 2.7.2000 in Rudorf Steiner Haus Stgt.=Veranstalter; 14. Aufführung am 30.7.2000 in Salem-Oberstenweiler bei Bodensee um 20 Uhr; 15. Aufführung am 30.9.2000 Spiegel Zelt bei Kulturmarkt Stuttgart in Schlossplatz um 19:30 Uhr, Veranstalter Kulturamt Stuttgart %29-a.Un Déchets für Marimbaphon (9.11.99/Stgt) ca.4 min. 29-b.Extrem for Orgel positiv (9.12.99/Stgt) ewig min. 29-c.Extrem for Snare Drum von aller Richtungen (9.12.99/Stgt) ca.7 min. 29-d.Extrem for Xylophon: 0 DB/0 Phon (9.12.99/Stgt) ca.7 min. 29-e.Extrem for 2 Flutes unendlich DB/unendlioch Phon ca.7 min. 29-f.Extrem for Bongos:e2=0 Hz %29-g.Extrem for Cembalo f1= endlos Hz. 29-h.Extrem for Nichts/Nothing (9.12.99/Stgt) ca.7 min. %29-j. Extrem for guitar solo (23.11.2000/Stgt) ca.5 min. 29-k.Abfälle by Rhythm only for Percussion Ensemble (18.2.2001/Hilgenroth) ca.5 min. 30. Kammer-Invention für 2 Schlagzeuger (9.10.1989/Stuttgart) ca. 5 min.WP:10.3.90, Heidenheim von Deutsche-Schlagzeug-Ensemble Leipzig, Veranstalter Heidenheimer Förderverein für Neue Musik, Spezial Mension, Klassik Walmsburg Edition 31. Octet I „Ein geheim-Ensemble“ (29.10.1989/Stuttgart:New Edition 2.4.93) ca.8 min. Veranstalter:Künststiftung Boswil, Klassik Walmsburg Edition, Open Recording 5.11.94 von Ensemble Recherche unter Roland Kluttig in Boswil/Schweiz Öffentlich mit Schweizer Radio Aufnahme beim Gottfried Berger Schöngrundstr.11, CH-6048 Horw/Schweiz (041)340-28-86, ( Fl, Cl, Sch, Pf, Vl, Vla, Vc, Cb.) 32. Play Station I for Orchestra (23.12.1989/Stuttgart) 3333-4444-4Sch-18,16,12,10,8: ca.11 min. 33. Kantate „Weisse Rose“ für Soli, Chor und Orchestra (31.3.1990/Wien) (3333-43331-4Sch-Klav.Hf-16,14,12,10,8)Textdichter:Chinesisches Volkslied, ca.10 min.Wp:5.6.1990 in Lieder Halle Stuttgart um 20: Uhr,Orchester Universität Tübingen unter Nicolaus Pasquet ca. 20 min. Auftragswerk und Veranstalter der Chinesischen Studenten und Wissenschaftler in BRD. In chinesischer Sprache 33-a.Ton-Dichtung „Weisse Rose“ for Orchestra (20.11.1990/Stuttgart) (3333-43331-4Sch-Klav.Hf-16,14,12,10,8) ca.20 min. 34. Invention für 5 Schlagzeuger (16.5.1990/Pforzheim:New Edition 6.7.97/Stuttgart) ca.10 min. 35. Simulation I for Orchestra “7 Lottos“(23.5.1990/Stuttgart:New Edition 31.7.99/Stuttgart) (2222-4230,3Sch-12,10,8,6,6) ca. 12 min. Special mention in Trento Composition Competition92 36. Mini-Bagatelle for 4 Trombones (3.6.1990/Stuttgart) ca.8 min. 37. Hornquartett I “Improvisatorische Mosaik“ (13.6.1990/Stuttgart) ca.9 min. 38. Kammerkonzert II “Unvertbares“ for 12 Players (18.9.1990/Stuttgart) ca.30 min. 39. Kammersinfonie I für 2 Gruppen-Orchester mit Sopran (27.9.1990/Stuttgart) (12.11.1990/Stuttgart) Instrumentation: w:2-2-2-2, b:2-2-0-0, timp + 2 perc, strings(10,8,6,6,4). Difficulty: moderate. Duration: 14:00 Movements: 1 39-a.Pauken Concerto Instrumentation: (12.11.1990/Stuttgart) w:2-2-2-2, b:2-2-0-0, timp + 2 perc, strings (10,8,6,6,4). Duration: 14:00 Movements: 1 39-b.Sub-Klavier Concerto Instrumentation: (12.11.1990/Stuttgart) w:2-2-2-2, b:2-2-0-0, timp + 2 perc, strings(10,8,6,6,4) Duration: 14:00 Movements: 1 40. Marimbastück (3.10.1990/Stuttgart) ca.5 min. 41. Octet II für Bläßer (4.12.1990/Stuttgart) (2Ob,2Kl,2Hr,2Fg) ca.4 min. 42. String Quartet II „Ouvertüre“ (26.12.1990/Stuttgart) ca.10 min. 43. Psalm-100 für gemischen Chor (7.1.1991/Stuttgart) ca.4 min. Vierdreiunddreißig München 44. Kammersimfonie II (4.3.1991/Stuttgart) Duration: 14:00 Movements: 3 Instrumentation: w:1-1-1-1, b:2-1-0-0, strings(66442). Difficulty: easy. We can combine the movements 45. Finternis, Licht, Liebe für Sopran und Streichquartett (19.3.1991/Stuttgart) Text:Rudorf Steiner ca.10 min. % 45-a. Sub-Streichquartett I. „Finternis, Licht, Liebe“ (6.1.1999/Stuttgart) ca..10 min. 46. Kammersimfonie III (12.5.1991/Stuttgart) Duration: 14:00 Movements: 1 Instrumentation: w:1-0-1-1, b:1-1-0-0, strings(66442). Difficulty: moderate. Very contemporary music 47. Einspruch für 3 Geiger (16.5.1991/Stuttgart) ca.7 min. 47-a. Einspruch „Probefonie“ für 2 Geigen und Bratsche (22.5.2002/Hilgenroth) ca. 10 min. 48. 2 Bagatellen mit Einspruch für 2 Geigen und Violoncello (20.5.1991/Stuttgart) ca.4 min. 49. Simulation II for orchestra (2.8.1991/Stuttgart) Duration: 12:00 Movements: 6 Instrumentation: w:3-2-2-2, b:Tenorhorn-adlib,4-2-3-1, 3 perc, hp, strings(12-10-8-6-6). Difficulty: moderate. We can play with Horn instead of Tenorhorn. 50. Sacred Musíque pour choeur à quatre viox de femmes (30.8.1991/Stuttgart)Text:Katholischer Liturgie ca.4 min. Neuchatel International Composition Ptiz 2nd Priz 50-a. Sacred Musíque pour quatre viox de femmes (26.2.98/Stuttgart) Text:Katholischer Liturgie ca.4 min. 51. Kammerkonzert III for 12 Players (20.9.1991/Stuttgart) ca. 10 min. 52. Hornstück für Horn solo (15.10.1991/Stuttgart) ca. 5 min. Musikverlag: Vierdreiunddreißig München 53. „Die Asche“ für 10 Posaunen (8.12.1991/Stuttgart) ca.7 min. 54. Millennium Soldier I „Fais de moi an instrument de Paix“ für Chor und Orchester (29.12.1991/Stuttgart) ca.20 min. Klassik Walmsburg Edition Text Sapporo (2222-4231-Pk mit Kt.-10,10,8,6,4 und gem.Chor) Sapporo Symphony Orchestra and Chorus unter Kotaro Sato, WP: 23.7.92 Sapporo/Japan 1996-Special mention, Eupropa Festival und II.Tonkünstler Fest Baden-Württemberg 1994 55. „Flammender Pfeil“ für Orchestra (6.1.1992) 1111-2110-4Sch-66442, Klassik Walmsburg Edition ca. 7 min.Animation Film von Tomas Meier-Hermenn und Kunst Academie 1984 WP. 10.5.92 Schauburg Kino bei Karlsruhe mit Orchester der Musikhochschule Stuttgart unter den Komponist mit Musikhochschule Tage Baden-Württemberg 1992, Production Filmacademie GmbH, 1. Filmaufführung am 1.8.92 an Cagligari-Kino in Ludwigsburg; 2 Filmaufführung. Am 27.11.92 an der Musichochschule Trossingen 56. Musik for Musikseriel für Oboe, Horn, Geige und Bratsche (22.2.1992/Stuttgart) ca.3 min. Künstlerische Abschlußprüfung in Stuttgart (KA) 57. Filmmusik für 4 Klarinetten (3.5.1992/Stuttgart-Mähringen, Siegmaringerstraße 10/1; New Edition 5.3.99) Eröffnung für Filmacademie Baden-Württemberg ca.12 min. 58. Parergon für Flammender Pfeil für Kleines Orchester (21.5.1992/Stuttgart) ca. 5 min. (1111-2110-1P-66442) 59. Concerto Grosso I „6 Parergon“ für Streichorchester (24.5.1992/Stuttgart) 44221+Pf.14 Musiker, ca.13 min. 59-a. Sub Concerto Grosso für Kammerorchester (18.1.1994/Stuttgart) (1010-1000, PF.44221:18 Musiker) ca.13 min. 60. Eine Mistel für Trommeln, Flügel und Streicher (23.6.1992/Stuttgart ca.12 min. 61. Septett I “Effet“ für 3 Schlagzeuger, 2 Klarinetten, Fagott und Posaunen (25.8.1992/Stuttgart) ca.17 min. 62. La Tentative für 3 Flöten, 3 Klarinette, 2 Pauken, 3 Geige, 3 Bratschen und 2 Trompeten (31.8-1992/Stuttgart) ca.17 min. 63. String Quartet III „Gitarrequartet“ (8.9.1992/Stuttgart) ca.10 min. 63-a. Sub-String Quartet II „La Tantation“ (5.12.92/stuttgart) ca. 10 min. 64. Octet III „Mon Gout“ for fl,cl,hp, 2vl, vla,vc and db (22.10.1992/Stuttgart) ca.12 min. 64-a.Sub Octet for fl,cl,pf, 2vl, vla,vc and db (17.8.97/Stuttgart) ca.12 min. WP:30.5.1998/18:00 in Mexico,Cameristas de Mexico, Director:Antonio Lopezrios/Veranstalter:INBA, Mexico Composition Prize 65. String Quartet IV „Quartetto Concreto“ mit Zusatzinstrumente (28.12.1992/Stuttgart) ca.9 min. 66. Die Wüste und das trockene Lasnd sollen sich freuen“ von Jesaja 35,1~6 für gemischern Chor unde 4 Instrument und Orgel (ad l.ib.) (16.4.1993/ Stuttgart) ca. 8 min. Klassik Walmsburg Edition, 12.11.1993 Hjarvestehuder Kammerchor unter der Leitung Claus Bantzer in Cloppenburg Stadt Halle um 20 Uhr; Cloppenburg Kultur 1st Prize 67. Kafkas Tagebuch für Altstimme und 4 Instrumentalisten (18.4.1993/Stuttgart)Text:Tagebuch von Franz Kafka, ca.10 min. Klarinette in Es mit Baß in B, auch mit Poppen, Vogelpfeife und Lotosflöte, Schlagzeug=2 Pauken mit 2 Maracas und Affetambrin mit vieler Schellen, Vibra-slap, Huf, Anklung, Watergong, große und kleine japanische Tempelglocken, Tamtam, Kettenrassel, Stahltrommel, Flexaton, Singende Säge, Amboss und Telefon apparat, Geige mit Holzblock, Bratsche mit Holzblock (bamboo), Violoncello mit Brunntopf mit Bogen), und Altsimme mit Waldteufel und Radiokassetemrecorder. 68. Octetto IV „La Communicazione“ per 8 Violoncelli (15.5.1993/Stuttgart) Durata 8 min. 69. Simulation III „3C9-1“ (14.6.1993/Stuttgart) Duration: 15:00 Movements: 1 Instrumentation: w:3-3-3-3, b:4-3-3-1, 4 perc, pno, hp, strings. Difficulty: moderate. Very contemporary music 70. String Quartet V „Celli Quartetto per Widerstand“ for 4 Violincellos (18.6.1993/Stuttgart) ca. 9 min. 70-a. Sub String Qrartet III (8.1.98/(Stuttgart) durata 10 min. 71. Veni Creator Spiritas für gemischen Chor, 4 Holzbläßerspieler und Orgel (28.6.1993) Dauer 14 min. Text:kat.Liturgie 72. Missa Previs für gemischen Chor a cappella (22.7.1993/Stuttgart) ca.8 min. 73. Nonetto I „Eine Musikalische Geschichte“ für 9 Instrumentalisten (30.8.1993/Stuttgart) ca.14 min. 0010-1111-1-Hb.-00101 73-a. Game-Boy (4.3.2000/Stuttgart) 0010-1111-1-Git-00101, ca.15 min. 74. Kammerkonzert IV für 14 Spieler (29.9.1993/Stuttgart) ca.15 min. 75. „Das Wirthaus et Frühlingstraum“ für Sprecher, Alt und Tenorchor, 3 Holzbläßer, Mandoline, Hackbrett und 2 Strteicher (5.10.1993/Stuttgart) ca.6 min. Text von Schuberts Werke 76. Tripel-Monolog für 2 Fagotte mit Kontrasfogott und Violoncello (18.11.1993/Stuttgart) ca.12 min. 77. Klang-Variation für Orgel solo (17.12.1993/Stuttgart) ca.5 min. WP 3.9.95 in Alte-Heumadenkirche von Komponist 78. Solo-Kabiki pour Kontrabaß solo avec, voix, cymbales suspendue, bloc de bois et castagnettes (30.12.1993/Stuttgart) ca.11 min. 79. Solo-Kyogen für Gitarre solo (22.1.1994/Stuttgart) ca.5 min. 79-a. Duo-Kyogen für Flöte und Gitarre (20.4.1994/Stuttgart) ca. 6 min.WP :Terza Rassegna Internationale di Compositione”Alfredo Gili”by Ensemble Octandre Sabato, 28 giugno 2003, ore 21.00 at the Sala Diana Franceschi in Villa Mazzacorati in Bologna, Via Toscana 19. Italia 80. Kyosou für Tenorsaxophon und Bratsche (19.2.1994/Stuttgart) ca. 7min. 80-a. Semi-Kyosou für Basssaxophon und Bratsche (25.2.1994/Stuttgart) ca. 7 min. 81. Reien für Trompete, Orgel und Fellschlagzeug (27.2.1994/Stuttgart) ca. 10 min. 82. Four Elemente for Clarinet, Violin and Viola (17.3.1994/Stuttgart) ca.6 min. 82-a. Four Elemente for Clarinet, Violin, Viola and Timpani (14.8.1998/Stuttgart) ca.6 min. 83. Kompositionatomkraftwerk für Posaune, Violincello und Celesta (31.3.1994/Stuttgart) ca.7 min. 84. The Secret Leakage for Celesta solo (12.4.1994/Stuttgart) ca. 10 min. 85. Kantate I „Weihnachten“ für Kinderchor, 5 Schlagzeuger, Orgel und Gemeinde (29.5.1994/Stuttgart) ca.23 min. Text: anonym 86. Concerto Grosso II „Semangat“ für Mandlineorchester (8.8.1994/Stuttgart) ca.17 min. 87. Blechbläserquintett III mit Schlagzeug „Der Rosarote Elefant“ mit Schlagzeug (12.8.1994/Stuttgart) ca. 10 min. Filmmusik Produktion mit Auftrag von LBQ und KFW, WP 30.9.1994 um 20:00 Uhr von LBQ in Ludwigsburg , 2. Aufführung: 4.2.1995 in Treffpunkt bei Rotebühlplatz Stuttgart, um 20:00 Uhr, Klassik Walmsburg Edition 87-a.Rosarote Identification Music for Brass Quintet (13.7.2001/Hilgenroth) ca. 2 min. 87-b.Postludium zu „Der Rosarote Elefant“ for Flute Orchestra (14.7.2001/Hilgenroth) ca. 1 min. 87-c.Postludium zu „Der Rosarote Elefant“ for Flute Ensemble (15.7.2001/Hilgenroth) ca.1 min. 87-d.Rosarote Identification Music for Soprano Saxophone, Flügelhorn, Accordion and Bass(1.10.2001/Hilgenroth) ca .2 min. 87-e.Postludium zu „Der Rosarote Elefant“ for 4 Saxophones (Sop.Alt.Ten. Bar.) (28.10.2001/Hilgenroth) ca.1 min. 88. Mythos X für Flügel solo “ Dauerfanfare für Marianne Schröder“ (30.8.1994/Luzern) ca.3 min. Klassik-Walmsburg-Edition World Premire am 5.11.95 Stuttgart um 20:00 Uhr in Landesgirokasse, Veranstalter Künststiftung Baden-Württemberg 89. Blechbläserquintett IV für 2 Tp.Hr,Po,Tb „Effi Briest“ in 2 Sätzen (8.9.1994/Stuttgart) ca. 5 min. Filmmusik Produktion mit Auftrag von LBQ und KFW, WP 30.9.1994 um 20:00 Uhr von LBQ in Ludwigsburg % 89-a. „Effi Briest“ in 2 Sätzen für 6 Instrumentalisten (26.8.98/Stuttgart) ca. 5 min. (Cl,Bc,Tb,Per.,Vc,Db) 89-b. „Effi Briest“ in 2 Sätzen für 4 Instrumentalisten (30.8.1998/Stuttgart) ca.7 min. (2Tp,Hr,Po) 90. Violinkonzert I „Heterophonisches Klagkozert (20.9.1994/Stuttgart) 2222-4331-Pk,2S,Hf,Str.11111, ca.17 min. 90-a.Doppelkonzert I Violin, Klavier und Orchester (2.5.1997/Stuttgart) 2222-4331-Pk,2S,Hf,Str.12-10-8-6-6, ca.17 min. 91. Kammerkonzert V für 9 Spieler (30.9.1994/Stuttgart) ca. 15 min. Verdreiunddreißig, Cantus Ensemble Prize in Croatia 2001 92. Vorspiel für Fagott und Fellschlagzeug (12.10.1994/Stuttgart) ca. 10 min. 93. „Nur noch kurze Zeit“ für gemischen Chor und Orgel ad lib.(19.10.1994/Stuttgart) ca.10 min. 29.17 bis 18 von Jesaja 94. Klang-Meditation I für Orgel und Metallschlagzeug (21.12.1994/Stuttgart) ca. 19 min.WP:5.2.1995 in St.Elisabethkirche/Kahlsruhe0Veranstalter, Auftragkomposition von Hartmut Nold und Matthias Krampe, 2.Aufführung 2.11.1996 in Gengenbach „Beeindruchende Klang“ – Meditation (Offenburger Tagesblatt): Veranstalter/ Hartmut Nold, 3.Aufführung 26.1,1997 in Villingen um 17 Uhr: Veranstalter Münster Villingen und Hartmut Nold % 94-a. Klang-Meditation I für Orgel solo (5.5.1995/Stuttgart) ca.15 min.WP.6.8.1995 Martinskirche in Stuttgart durch Komponist/ Veranstalter Martinskirche Stuttgart, 2.Aufführung (3.9.1995 in Alte-Haumaden Kirche=Veranstalter) durch Komponist 94-b. Klang-Meditation I für Akkordeon solo (17.8.1997/Stuttgart) ca.8 min. Publishing: Bundesakademie für musikalische Jugendausbildung, 94-c. Klang-Meditation I mit Kirchenlieder für Orgel solo (12.9.1997/Stuttgart) ca.5 min. 95. Play Station II for orchestra, (22.1.1995/Stuttgart) Duration:14:00 (4444-7441-4P-pf.2Hp-18,16,14,12,10) 96. Work für Altsaxophon solo in Es (24.1.1995/Stuttgart) ca. 5 min. Veranstalter: Künstlerhaus Boswil/Schweiz; 2 mal Voraufführung mit Seminar am 8.5.1997, WP:10.5.1997 um 16 Uhr in Alte Kirche bei Boswil von Klaus Pfister (Sx) 96-a. Work für Klarinette in B solo (29.6.1997/Stuttgart) ca. 5 min. 96-b. Work für Bassklarinette in B solo (3.3.1999/Stuttgart) ca.6 min. 96-c. Work für Bassklarinette in B solo (2.2.04/Hilgenroth) ca. 7 min. 97. Partita di Lotteria per Arpa sola con voce (8.2.1995/Stuttgart) ca. 6 min. 98. Partita der Unterhaltung für 10 Instrumentalisten (12.2.1995/Stuttgart) ca. 10 min. 99. „Déjeuner du Matin“ de Jaques Preévert pour chouer à 5 viox de femmes (25.3.1995/Stutttgart) Text:anonym ca.4 min. Neuchatel International Composition Ptiz 2nd Priz 99-a. „Déjeuner du Matin“ de Jaques Preévert pour voix ensemble (25.3.1995/Stutttgart) Text:anonym ca.4 min. 100. Mini-Werk I "Je", (28.3.1995/Stuttart) Duration: 1:00 Movements: 1 Instrumentation: String orchestra, pno, solo cello, Sop, 2 actors. Difficulty: moderate. String orchestra very easy; solo cello part is very hard. WP.11.11.1995 in Delmenhorst/Manuela Ochakovski, Christoph Hampe, Johannes Harneit, Jochen Neurath, Kay Ivo Nowíck, Oldenburger Kammerorchester unter Jahannes Harneit, Veranstalter:Hespos/Neue Musik Delmenhorst: Konzertmitschnitt durch Radio Bremen in 1995 gesendet, Delmenhorst Kompositions Preis % 100-a. „Je“ for Violoncello solo (15.7.2000/Stuttgart) ca.1 min. 101. Brown reaches in and starts the ignition“ for Hackbrtett solo (21.4.1995/Stuttgart) Text: anonym film ca. 3min. 102. Eine Radical Variation for Violin and Marimba (7.6.1995/Stuttgart) ca. 7 min. 103. Mini-Werk II "Migration" (24.6.1995/Stutttgart) Duration: 1:00 Movements: 1 Instrumentation: 2 voice, w:2-0-0-Sax, b:0-0-1-0, 2 perc, Hp, Acc, Gt, Violins and Violas. Difficulty: moderate. WP.28.12.95 in Innsbruck von Tiroler Ensaemble für Neue Musik unter Günter Zechberger, Livesendung von Österreich I von ORF=Veranstalter 104. Trieb für Sopran und 10 Instrumentalisten (21.7.1995/Stuttgart) Text: Ps.97, ca.11 min. 105. Tanz-Suite „Catalogue de Dances“ für Kammerorchester (28.8.1995/Stuttgart) 2222-2220-Pk-1-Pf-10,8,6,6,4 ca.27 min. 106. Millennium Soldier II for mixed Choir and Orchestra (4.12.1995/Brahmshaus in Baden-Baden) Text :eigene, ca.10 min. 2222-4231-Pk mit Kt.- 10,10,8,6,4 und gem.Chor 107. Der Lobgesang der Maria“Magnificat“ für 4 Sängerinen und 8 Instrumentalisten (7.12.1995/ Brahmshaus in Baden-Baden) Text: kath. Liturgie, ca. 8 min. (Fl, Ob, Fg, Pk, 4 Sop, Gg, Bt, Vc, Kb) 108. Hornquartett II „Exposition-Metamorphose-Fantasie“ mit 2 Wagnertuben (10.12.1995/ Brahmshaus in Baden-Baden) ca.8 min. OKR-Komposition Preis; WP.18.5.1996 um 16:00 Uhr im Schloß Raesfeld/Borken (Westf.) mit Nordwestdeutsche Hornquartett, Bochum; Portraitsendung/WDR5 am 19.5.1996 von 9:20 bis 10:00;Veranstalter:OKR Bonn 109. Lichtental für 2 Trompeter und Pauker (14.12.1995/ Brahmshaus in Baden-Baden) ca. 10 min. 110. Wille für Flöte und Cembalo (29.1.1996/Stuttgart) ca. 7 min. % 110-a.Ordure of Wille I for Flute and Harp (13.8.97/Stuttgart) ca. 5 min. 110-b.Ordure of Wille I for Piano (21.7.97/Stuttgart) ca.3 min. WP.4.4.98 20 Uhr in Horb von Komponist;Veranstalter der Städtischen Musikschule Horb in Konzertsaal, 2.Aufführung am 10.5.1998 in Stuttgart-Theater Tredichin um 11 Uhr von Komponist, 3.Aufführung, am17.5. bei Haus Morgenstern um 16 Uhr, Veranstalter Haus Morgenstern, 4. Aufführung am 5.7.1998 bei Rudorf Steiner Haus um 11 Uhr/Veranstalter Anthroposophische Gesellschaft, 5. Aufführung am15.9.1998 in Bürgerhospital um 18 Uhr/ Vetranstalter Bürgerhospital Stuttgart, 6. Aufführung am 7.11.1998 in Göppingen um 20 Uhr bei Michaelkirche=Veranstalter, 7.Aüfführung am 8.11. 1998 in Welzheim um 17 Uhr, Veranstalter: Annete Penzkofer, 8.Aufführung am 22.11.1998 in Theater Tredichin bei Stuttgart um 17:00 Uhr, 9.Aufführung am 30.7.2000 um 20:Uhr in Salem—Oberstenweiler bei Bodensee % 110-c.Ordure of Wille für Flöte, Bratsche und Harp (15.8.1997/Stuttgart) ca. 5 min. 110-d.Ordure of Wille für Flöte, Bratsche und Klavier (15.8.1997/Stuttgart) ca. 5min. 111. Grab und Mond nach Chor der Engel für gemischen Chor mit Flügel (23.2.1996/Stuttgart) von Schuberts Werke ca. 7 min. 111-a. Carl von Ossietzky für gemischen Chor mit Flügel (11.9.1997/Stuttgart) ca. 7 min. Oldenburg-Chorkomposition-Prize 112. Quattro Pezzi „Hyme des Premières Vétres de Saint Martin“ pour Choeur à voix mixres (23.3.1996/Stuttgart) ca. 6 min. Kat. Lituegie 112-a. Quattro Pezzi „Hyme des Premières Vétres de Saint Martin“ pour Choeur à voix mixres avec Alto solo (16.11.1996/Stuttgart) ca. 5 min. 112-b. Quattro Pezzi „Hyme des Premières Vétres de Saint Martin“ per 8 soli con Tenor solo (15.12.2000/Stuttgart) ca. 5 min. 113. Tre Pezzi für 2 Blockflötem (sp.Alt.) (25.3.1996/Stuttgart) ca. 4 min. % 113-a. Quattro Pezzi for Recorder Quartet (24.8.1998/Stuttgart) ca.6 min. 114. Due Pezzi für Bass Oboe und Bassklarinette (26.5.1996/Stuttgart) ca.3 min. 115. Noch Mal Quattro Pezzi für Geige, Violoncello und Klavier (27.5.1996/Stuttgart) ca. 4 min. für Anfänger 115-a. Noch Mal Quattro Pezzi für Geige, Oboe und Klavier (29.4.1997/Stuttgart) ca. 4 min. für Anfänger 115-b. Der Schwache fällt dem Starken zum Opfer für Klarinette, Cello, Posaune und Flügel (12.8.99/Stuttgart) ca.11 min. 116. Noch Mal Tre Pezzi for Violin, Clarinet and Marimba (29.5.1996/Stuttgart) ca. 7 min. 116-a. Noch Mal Tre Pezzi for Violin, Oboe and Marimba (29.89.1996/Stuttgart) ca. 7 min. 116-b. Noch Mal Tre Pezzi for Clarinet and Marimba (29.9.1996/Stuttgart) ca. 7 min. 117. Orgelkonzer I „ Noch Mal Due Pezzi“ (29.8.1996) 2222-2240-Pk.88644 ca. 12 min. 117-a. Noch mal Due Pezzi für Orchester (31.8.1966/Stuttgart) 2222-2200-Pk-88644, ca. 12 min. 118. Septett im 2 Sätze (10.9.1996/Blonay) ca.12 min.Fl,Cl,Tp,Vb,Vl,Vc: WP. Für 1.Satz am 16.9.1996 in Konservatorium/Luzern Internatinal Sommer Festival (Veranstalter) um 18 Uhr unter Komponist von Katarina Egli, Dani Häuser, Patrik Ottiger, Marco Müller, Herbert Bättig, Daniela Müller, Simon Niederhauser 119. Concerto Grosso III für Akkordion Orchester (12.9.1996/Stuttgart) ca. 6 min. Publishing: Bundesakademie für musikalische Jugendausbildung, 120. Duo-Fantasie für Akkordeons (27.9.1996/Stuttgart) ca. 8 min. Publishing: Bundesakademie für musikalische Jugendausbildung, % 120-a. Anaki I "Total Sync" für Akkordeon und Klavier(22.2.02/Hilgenroth) ca.8 min. Publishing: Bundesakademie für musikalische Jugendausbildung, 120-b. Duo-Fantasie for 2 Pianos (2.5.2002/Hilgenroth) ca. 8 min. 121. „La Gurrriera e La Sposa Morta“ per Coro Maschile (3.10.1996/Stuttgart) ca. 4 min. von Italienischer Volkstext 122. Violinkonzert II (1.1.1997/Stuttgart-Heslach, Bachwiesenstraße 25) ca. 10 min. 2222-2110-3P, 12,10,8,6,4 122-a. Doppelkonzert II für Gerige, Klavier und Orchester (2.5.1997/Stuttgart) 2222-2110-3P, 12,10,8,6,4: ca. 10 min. 122-b. Geige ganz solo (25.5.1997/Stuttgart) ca. 10 min. 123. Kantate II „Über die Hoffnung“ für gemischen Chor und 7 Posaunen (5.1.1997)/Stuttgart/Heslach) ein evangelicher Text, ca. 11 min. Finalist beim International Schwäbischgmund Kompositionswettbewerb % 123-a. Proprium für ein Heiligkeitfest für gemischen Chor, Gemeinde und Posaunenchor(12.10.1998/Stuttgart) ein evangelicher Text, ca.12 min. 123-b. Über di Hoffnung für 4 Gesang-solisten, gemischen Chor, 7 Posaunen und Schlagzeug (30.11.1999/Stuttgart) ca.15 min. 124. Otnacca für Klarinett solo (7.1.1997/Stuttgart-Heslach) ca. 6 min. WP.4.4.1998 um 20 Uhr in Horb/Necker vo Günter Müller-Rogalla (Cl und Auftragsgeber) Veranstalter der Städtischen Musikschule Horb; 2. Aufführung am 29.11.2000 in Bologna , Accademica Filarmonica, Sale Mozart, Gaspare Tirincani (CL) % 124-a. Otnacca für Saxophon solo (22.8.97/Stuttgart) ca. 6 min. 124-b. Otnacca für Bassklarinette in B (3.3.1999/Stuttgart) ca. 6 min. 124-c. Otnacca für Kontrabassklarinette in B (1.2.04/Hilgenroth) ca. 125. String Quartet VI „Dietro il Ponticello“(18.1.1997/Stuttgart-Heslach) Durata 12 min. FMW-Komposition Prize 2001, WP. 3 pm, am 30.9.2001, Richmond Hall in Melborne/Australia by FMW-Quartett, at the Federation Music Week 2001 % 125-a. Quintett-Joruri für Klarinette und Streichquartett (3.3.1999/Stuttgart) ca. 12 min. 125-b. Solo Jyoruri for Violoncellocello solo (9.9.1998/Stuttgart) ca. 6 15.9.1998 in Bürger Hospital/Stuttgart(Veranstalter) um 18:00 Uhr; 2.Aufführung, am 7.11.1998 in Göppingen um 20 Uhr , Michaelkirche=Veranstalter; 3.Aufführung, am 8.11.1998 in Welzheim um 17 Uhr, Veralstalter:Annette Penzkofer, 4. Aufführung, 3.10.1999 um 14 Uhr, Open Air Bühne in Schloßplatz Stuttgart beim Kultur Markt 99 Veranstalter Kulturamt Stuttgart / Erste Aufnahme bei Diana-Maria Sagvoskina von Komponist (Vc.)30.9.1999; 5.Aufführung am 2.7.2000 in Rudorf-Steiner Haus Stuttgart= Veranstalter, 6.Aufführung am 30.7.2000 um 20 Uhr in Salem-Oberstenweiler am Bodensee; 7.Aufführung am 12.1.2002 um 20:00 Uhr in Steiner Schule in Göttingen= Veranstalter 125-c. Solo Jyoruri for Violin solo (3.10.1999/Stuttgart) ca. 6 min. // Erste Aufnahme bei Diana-Maria Sagvoskina von Komponist (Vl.), 11.5.2001; 11.5.2001 um 20 Uhr in Rudorf Steiner Haus Stuttgart,Veranstalter Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschunggesellschaft e.V.; 2. Aufführung am 12.5.2001, 2001 um 20 Uhr in Rudorf Steiner Haus Stuttgart=Veranstalter % 125-d. Solo Jyoruri for Bratsche solo (6.3.2000/Stuttgart) ca. 6 min. // Erste Aufnahme bei Diana-Maria Sagvoskina von Komponist (Bt.)30.9.1999 126. Imitation I for 6 Players (23.1.1997/Stuttgart-Heslach) ca. 4 min. Publishing: Bundesakademie für musikalische Jugendausbildung, 127. Eine Astrale Welt A für Sopran, Flöte, Akkordeon und Metallschlagwerk (23.2.1997/Stuttgart) Text von Diana-Maria Sagvoskina ca. 7 min. 127-a. Eine Astrale Welt-Suppelment für Sopran, Flöte und Metallschlagzeug (13.8.1997/Stuttgart) ca. 7 min. 127-b. Eine Astrale Welt-Zwilling für Alt, Oboe, Geige und Klavier (28.8.1997/Stuttgart) Text von Diana-Maria Sagvoskina, ca. 7 min. 128. Amusement Sonore „Les Mots Inutiles“ pour choeur voix mixtes, flûte avec piccolo et violin (7.3.1997/Stuttgart-Heslach) ca. 5 min. CMC Choir Composition 2nd Priz in Canada. 129. Sanctus et Benedictus für 4 soli, gemischen Chor und Orchester (14.4.1997/Stuttgart-Heslach) ca. 9 min. 0220-2200-Pk-Op.66442; Kat. Liturgie 129-a. Sanctus et Benedictus für gemischen Chor, Pauken, Metallschlageug, Synthesizer und Orgel positiv (28.8.1999/Stuttgart) ca.10 min. 129-b. Sub-Kammersinfonie I für kleines Orchester (28.8.1999/Stuttgart) ca. 9 min. 02202200,1,66442 129-c. Sanctus et Benedictus für gemischenChor, 2 Streichorchester und 2 Schlagzeuger (28.8.1999/New:19.11.1999/Stuttgart) ca.15 min. Str:222221+44221 130. Klang-Meditation II „Ouvertüre“ für Orgel und Vibraphon (4.28.1997/Stuttgart) ca. 8 min. Auftrag von Hartmut Nold % 130-a. Klang-Meditation II „Ouvertüre“ für Orgel solo (20.6.1997/Stuttgart) ca. 4 min. 130-b. Klang-Meditation II „Ouvertüre“ für Akkordeon solo (20.6.1997/Stuttgart) ca. 4 min. Publishing: Bundesakademie für musikalische Jugendausbildung, % 130-c. Klang-Meditation II mit Kirchenlieder für Orgel solo (12.9.1997/Stuttgart) ca. 4 min. 130-d. Klang-Meditation for 5 Musiciens (27.10.1997/Stuttgart) ca. 8 min. 131. Wechsellied beim Weine für gemischen Chor (11.6.1997/Stuttgart) Text von Eduard Mörike, ca. 10 min.WP.11 Uhr am 12.10.97 in Fellbach/ im Höderinsaal der Schwabenlandhalle durch Ensemble „Opus 7“ des Philharmonischn Chores Fellbach unter Prof. Alfons Scheirle: Veranstalter Stadt Fellbach Kulturamt, Mittschnitt SWR 1997/98, 1.Weinmusik-Preis-Fellbach 1. Platz 132. Mini-Werk III "Pescara, Pescara", per Orchestra piccola (20.6.1997/Stuttgart-Heslach) Duration: 1:10 Movements: 1 Instrumentation: w:1-1-1-1, b:1-1-1-0, 3 perc, strings(10-8-4-4-2). Difficulty: moderate. Chiola Music Press in Italia.Wp.lunedi , ore 21:15, 15th 12.1997 a sala da determinare in Pescara/ Italia by Orchtra di Stato di Oradea conducted by Composer: Chiola Music Press in Pescara 133. Duo-Kobanashi für Klarinette und Akkordeon (1997/Stuttgart) ca. 12 min.WP.4.4.1998 um 20 Uhr in Horb/Necker von Günter Müller-Rogalla (Cl und Auftragsgeber) und Dieter Dörrenbächer (Akk.): Veranstalter der Städtischen Musikschule Horb Publishing: Bundesakademie für musikalische Jugendausbildung, 134. „Déjà Vu“ für 2 Sännerinenn mit Flügel + 3 Stöcke, Ratschen, Zirpen des Froschs und Plastikhammer (2.7.1997/Stuttgart/Heslach) ca. 7 min. Text von Diana-Maria Sagvoskina 135. „Das Hohelied = 3kt K. Passion“ für gemischen Chor und Blechbläßerquintett (27.7.97/Stuttgart-Heslach) Text-Bibel ca. 12 min. 136. Michael-Verbindung für Gesang, Oboe und Geige (27.7.1997/Stuttgart-Heslach) ca. 6 min. Text von Diana-Maria Sagvoskina 137. Ein Babylonisches Essen I für Akkordeon solo (9.9.1997/Stuttgart-Heslach) ca.8 min. WP.4.4.1998 um 20 Uhr in Horb/Necker von Günter Müller-Rogalla (Auftragsgeber), Dieter Dörrenbächer (Akk.): Veranstalter der Städtischen Musikschule Horb Publishing: Bundesakademie für musikalische Jugendausbildung, 138. Menagerie IV „Talos V – Tabu“ für Symphonisches Brasorchester (21.9.1997/Stuttgart/Heslach;New Edition 4.12.97) ca. 3 min.216+Bkl14Sx.2331Th, Bar, Eup, Pk mit Gt.u.Kt, 2Hk.u.Ttu.Gp., Kontrabass, ca.3min. 139. Klavierkonzert I (27.11.1997/Stuttgart: 3222-4330,Pk,2S, 14,12,8,6,6) ca. 18 min. 140. Blechbläserquintett V für 2 Tp.Hr,Po,Tb (8.12.1997/Stuttgart) ca.12 min. 141. „Nun Lob, Mein Seel, den Herrn“ für gemischen Chor a cappella (15.1.1998/Stuttgart-Heslach) ca. 5 min. 142. Imitation II for 6 Players (23.1.1998/Stuttgart-Heslach) ca. 4 min. Tsx.Tim 2Pf. Rythum and Melody 143. „Ein Zeichen sind Wir“ für Musiker, Tanzer, Sprecher und Melerei (14.2.1998/Stuttgart-Heslach) ca. 30 min. 9 Musiker (2Gg, Vc, 2 Lei, Ob, Pf, 2 Sch, + ad lib.Orchester mindestens 8 Musiker) mit Dirigent, UA mit Improvisationen am 14.12.1997 im Theater Tredichin Stuttgart um 17 Uhr/Organisation von Diana-Maria Sagvoskina 144. „Priere pour les Malades“ pour coeur à cinq viox de fimmes (21.2.1998/Stuttgart-Heslach) ca. 5 min. 145. Play Station III for orchestra, (16.3.1998/Stuttgart-Heslach) Duration: 20 min. Movements: 1 Instrumentation: w:4-4-4-4, b:4-3-3-1, timp + 2 perc, pno, hp, strings (16-14-12-10-8). Difficulty: hard. For 2 Conductors with Very hard piece. 146. Simulation IV, WVE-146 (15.5.1998) Duration: 12:00 Movements: 1 Instrumentation: w:3-3-3-3, b:4-3-3-1, 12 perc, pno, hp, strings.14, 12, 10, 8, 6; Difficulty: moderate. Very contemporary music with 12 percussionists; 26 Page %146-a.Simulation for 12 Percussions (23.8.2002/Hilgenroth) ca. 17 min. 147. 7 Super-Mini-Piano-Pieces (25.6.1998/Stuttgart-Heslach) ca. 3 min. Revised 6th 8.98/26th 11.98WP., am 5.7.1998 bei Rudorf Steiner Haus Stuttgart um 11:00 Uhr, Org. by Anthroposiphische Gesellschaft, 2. Aufführüng am 15.9.1998/ in Bürger Hospital Stuttgart=Veranstalter um 18 Uhr;3.Aufführung, am 7.11.1998/Göppingen um 20 Uhr, Michaelkirche=Veranstalter; 4. Aufführung am 8.11.1998 in Welzheim um 17 Uhr, Veranstalter: Annette Penzkofer; 5. Aufführungam 22.11.1998 in Stuttgart Theater Tredichin=Veranstalter um 17 Uhr, 6. Aufführung 15.4.1999 in Sofia bei Second Festival Ppianissimo/Bulgalia; Vierdreiunddreißig München, Sofia Piannissimo Priz 148. „Es Spielen Einst Drei Bruder“ für Frauen Chor (21.7.1998/Stuttgart) ca.2 min. 149. „Wenn Ich das Nachts vor dem Feuerlein Steh“ für Männerchor und Klavier (26.7.1998/Stuttgart) ca.3 min. 150. „Deferteurlied“ für gemischen Chor und 6 Instrumentalisten (29.7.98/Stuttgart) ca. 4 min. Kl, Fg, Hr, Gg, Bt, Vc. 151. „Bonte Abeeln“ für Sopran, Sprechstimme, Bassklarinette und Flügel (5.8.1998/Stuttgart) ca. 4 min. 152. Concerto Grosso IV für Flute Orchestra (20.8.1998/Stuttgart) ca. 8 min. New edition: 1.11.98 153. „Beati Pauperes Spiritu“ for mixed Choir a cappella (9.12.1998/Stuttgart) ca. 4 min. Matthaeus 5,3-10 154. „Pater Noster“ für mixed Choir and Organ (11.12.1998/Stuttgart) ca. 4 min. Matthaeus 6,9-13 155. Septett III „Tanzglocken“(18.12.1998/Stuttgart) ca. 8 min. Fl, Ob, Cl, Hr, Tp, Pk, Tg.:1 Preis International Kompsitionswetbewerb in Balingen 1999; CD-Aufnahme 4.4.2000 Neu Musik Ensemble Trossingen unter Prof.Helmut Cromm in Trossinger Musikhochschule durch Verlag: Forum Music Sulz a. N./ Miri Ton 10001 mg Musikproduktion mit SWR; 8.7.2000 in Balingen/BRD um 19:30 Uhr in Markt Platz, Open Air Konzert, Veranstalter: Stadt Balingen mit Rundfunkaufnahme für Radio und TV des SWR, All versions by Verlag Vierdreiunddreißig München: for 5 years Original version at Forum Music Sulz a. N. bis 2005 % 155-a.Sub-Kammersinfonie II for Chamber Orchestra (8.11.1999/Stuttgart) ca. 10 min. (1110-1100,Pk,70050) % 155-b.Sub-Violinkonzert (20.4.2000/Stuttgart) ca 20 min. (1010-1100-Sch, Pf-11111) 155-c. Sub-Saxophonkonzert (24.4.2000/Stuttgart) ca.12 min.(3222-4231-Pk-,2Sch,12,10,8,6,6,) 155-d. Pro-Tanzglockenspiel for 2 Saxophones, Timpani, Piano and Violincello ca. 8 min. (19.4.2000/Stuttgart) 155-e. Pro-Tanzglockenspiel for Alto flute, Clarinet, Timpani, Piano, Violin and Vilincello ca. 8 min. (5.5.2000/Stuttgart) 155-f. Sub-Saxophonkonzert für Saxophone und Blasorchester (18.9.2000/Stuttgart) ca.8 min % 155-g. Septett III „Hackbrett-Spiel“ (28.9.2000/Stuttgart) ca. 8 min. Fl, Ob, Cl, Hr, Tp, Pk, Hb. 155-h. Spiel for XXI. Jahrhunderts (8.11.2000/Stuttgart) ca. 8 min. MS, Po, Pk, Ak, Pf, Vl. 155-i. Polyphonisches Konzert für Blass Kappelle (15.11.03/Hilgenroth) ca. 8 min. 156. Klavierkonzert II (3.1.1999/Stuttgart: 2222-2110, Pk, 2P, Hp, Cel-12,10,8,6,4.) ca. 12 min. % 156-a. Exemplum für Orgel und Klavier (1.4.1999/Stuttgart) ca. 10 min. 156-b. Concerto for Electric Guitar and Orchestra (1.4.1999/Stuttgart) ca. 10 min. 2222-2110, Pk, 2P, Hp, Cel-12,10,8,6,4 156-c. Anaki II „Friends or Enemies ?" “ for Accordion and Piano (21.2.02/Hilgenroth) ca.10 min. Publishing: Bundesakademie für musikalische Jugendausbildung, 156-d. Exemplum for 2 Pianos (4.5.2002/Hilgenroth) ca. 10 min. 157. Imitation III „ Major Variation“ for 4 Saxophones + 2 Players (11.1.1999/Stuttgart-Heslach) ca. 4 min. 158. „Everything“ for Bass and Celesta (14.1.1999/Stuttgart) ca. 5 min. Text: Sirach 39,33-35, 5 Seite 159. „The Desert“ for Alto and 5 Instrumentalisten (22.1.1999/Stuttgart) ca. 11 min., Text Iasial 35, 1-4, 16 Seite (Alt, Fl, Cl, Cb, Cel) 160. Nonetto II for 9 Instruments (31.2.1999/Stuttgart) ca. 6min., 8 Seite (Fl, Ob, Kl, Sch, Pf, Vl, Vla, Bw, Vc) 161. Flute Quartet II „Nagauta-Quartett“ für Shinobue, Flöte, Altflöte uns Bassflöte (12.2.1999/Stuttgart) ca. 15 min. Auftrag von Shigeko Fukui: alle Fassungen von Vierdreiunddreißig München: WP.9.4.1999, Kyoto Mata-Bunkakaikan/Japan, 8 pm. Noriko Yoneyama:Player,Albireo Querflötenquartett :Shigeko Fukui, Akiko Ii, etc. 2.Auffphrung 11.4.1999 Osaka, Hoshitan-Ongakudo/Japan, Organisation: Hiroko Hinoue with CD Recording by Bauer Studio Ludwigsnurg/Germany, 3 Aufführung with CD, 3.10.1999/ in Schlossplatz/Stuttgart Open Air Bühne mit Tanz, Organisation by Kulturamt Stuttgart, 4.Aufführung (New Version) 21.6.2001 à Societe d´Exposition des Salons du Cercle Republications à Paris/France by „Umibueno Kai“ Flute Ensemble in Shiga (Akiko Ii) %161-a.. Nagauta Solo for Oboe solo (17.7.2002/Hilgenroth) ca.7 min. 161-b. Nagauta Solo for Flute solo (18.7.2002/Hilgenroth) ca.7 min. %161-c. Nagauta Solo for Recorder solo (19.7.2002/Hilgenroth) ca. 7 min. %161-d. „Nagauta-Quartett—Supplement für Piccolo, Flöte, Altflöte und Bassflöte (7.8.2000/Stuttgart-Heslach) ca. 15 min.WP.15.9.2000 in Musikhalle bei Ludwigsburg=Veranstalter Shigeko Fukui-Fauser um 20 Uhr, by Albireo Querflöten Quartett (Shigeko, Fukui,Hiroko Hinoue, Misa Kokita, Junko Morita; 2 Aufführung 16.9. 2000 in Spital Kirche bei Baden-Baden/Veranstalter, um 17 Uhr; 3.Aufführung 17.9.2000 in Liden Musium bei Stuttgart=Veranstalter, um 17:30 Uhr; 4 Aufführung 19.9.2000 in Garerie in Kornwestheim um 20 Uhr, Veranstalter: Städtischen Orchester Kornwestheim; 5.Aufführung: 20.9.2000 Ev.Luterkirche Dreifaltugkeitkirche in Dormbach-Rhön Ost/BRD, 20 Uhr, 6,Aufführung 21.9.2000 Schwerin Ev,Kirche Ost/BRD, um 19 Uhr; 7.Aufführung 22.9.2000 Seligental Ev.Kirche Ost BRD; 8.Aufführung:23.9.2000 Manggha in Kraków/Polen; 9.Aufführung, Ikeda /Japan by Albireo QuerflötenQuartett; 10. Aufführung: 4.6.2001 in Kyoto by Albireo Querflöten Quartett;11.Aufführung: 27th 9.2001 in Suhl/BRD ;12. Aufführung: 28th 9.2001 in Eisennach; 13.Aufführung: 29th 9.2001 in Weimar; 14. Aufführung: 30th 9. 2001 in Pilnitz; 15.Aufführung: 1st 10. 2001 in Meißen in Germay; 16. Aufführung: 2nd 10. 2001 in Dresden; 17. Aufführung: 5th 10. 2001 in Köln Japanische Kultur Institut um 19 :00 Uhr; 18. Aufführung: 7th 10. 2001 in Altensteig ;19. Aufführung: 8th 10. 2001in Detzingen ; 19.Aufführung am 28.9.02 (Samstag) in Spiegelzelt um 19:30~19:30 in Stuttgart/Schlossplatz/Germany bei Kulturmarkt Beteiligung am Kulturmarkt Stuttgart (Veranstalter): Präsenz und Aktionen: WVE-161 by Shigeru Kan-no, Aufführung:, "...gen Unverklungen..." Hommage à Paul Celan, Bewegungsperformance mit Neuer Musik , Diana-Maria Sagvosdkina, Günther Arnulf 161-e. Nagauta Solo for Alto Flute solo (8.1.2004/Hilgenroth) ca.7 min. 162. „Quand Tu Advances“ pour voix de femmes et 4 cuivres (2.3.1999/Stuttgart-Heslach) ca. 3 min.(2tp.cor, Tb), Publisher : Vierdreiunddreißig München 163. Kammersinfonie IV „Ein Gehirnwäsche“ für Kammerorchester und Altstimme (3.4.1999/Stuttgart) ca. 20 min.1101Sx-0110,Sch, 66442 (möglich auch solistisch) Difficulty: moderate. With alt voice. 164. Concerto Grosso V “Eine Volksreinigung“ für Altsimme und Jazz Combo (3.5.1999/Stuttgart) ca.14 min. 165. „Die Herbstfeier“ für gemischen Chor, 2 Gesangsolisten und 10 Instrumentalisten (15.4.1999/Stuttgart) ca.27 min., Bkl, Ehr, Bkl, Kfg, 2 Sch, Gg, Bt, Vc, Kb.Text:Eduard Mörike 166. Mini Werk IV „Mini Opera“ für 2 Sängerinen, eine Sprecherin, und 9 Spieler (30.5.1999/Stuttgart) ca. 4 min. mit Inszenierung: Text, commercial paper with spanish, Feldman and Samuel Becket, etc, however not do sing but do shake!!!!!! 167. Mini Werk V „Cadance“ for 2000 years for Flute, Clarinet, Cello and Piano (11.8.1999/Stuttgart/revised 15.8.1999) ca. 4 min. Wp. 28th May 2000 Décadance, 82, rue des Coverts, F-34400 Lunel/France avec groupe Coma et l´ensemble Décadance; co-production:Ville de Lunel / Décadance, à Parc Jean Hugo (Salle Castel en cas d´interpréries); Publication alle Fassungen bei Vierdreiunddreißig München 167-a. Cadance für Septett (17.8.1999/Stuttgart) ca. 5 min.Gg, Ci, Pt, Per, Tb, Bn and Db. 167-b. Cadance for Piano solo (26.2.2000/Stuttgart) ca. 4 min. UA am 5.1.2000 um 17:00 Uhr Theater Tredichin Stuttgart=Veranstalter; 2.Aufführung am 27.1.2001 um 17 Uhr in Steiner Haus Stuttgart=Veranstalter, 3.Aufführung am 7.8.2002 in Dornach/Basel/Schweiz um 20:30 in Trassensaal, Veranstalter: Goetheanum Dornach; 4.Aufführung am 14.9.02 um 20:00 Uhr in Göttingen, Veranstalter Eurythmiehaus Göttingen Waldorf Schule; 5. Aufführung, am15.9.02 in Goslar um 16 Uhr, Veranstalter Turmsaal des Alterheim Klster Framkenberg 167-c. Sub-Kammersinfonie III “Millennium Cadance“ (18.2.2000/Stuttgart) ca. 4 min. 1101-01(Piston)10-P.-66442 % 167-d. 24 Variation ohne Thema for Quintett (7.4.2000/Stuttgart) ca. 4 min. Fl, Ob, Cl, Vl, Vc. 167-f. Cadance“24 Variation without Theme“ (4.5.2000/Stuttgart) ca. min. (Bcl, Tp, Per, Pf, Vl, Vc) 1st Ensemble Aleph Compositios Prize Paris 2000Voraufführung: 19. 8.2000 à 21h30 by Ensemble Aleph à Paris, Veranstalter La Napoule Art Foundation in Napoule/ France; WP.19h30, 9.10.2000; 2nd Performance pour Jouness14h30 10th 10 2000; 3rd Performance19h30, 10th 10 2000; 4th Performance19h30 11th10 2000; 5th Performance.18:00, 12th Oct 2000 à Théàtre Dunois/Paris by Ensemble Aleph, Organisation CDMC et Sacem; 6th Performance 17.2.2001 Warehouse/Waterloo/London 19h30; 7th Performance 30.5.2001 in Corfou/Grèce; 8th Performance in Torino /Italia a Theatro Piccolo Regio, Piazza Castello 215, Amitiés Drouin ore 20:45, all are Organisation by Agent Double in Paris par Ensemble Aleph 167-g. Cadance“24 Variation without Theme“ for Sextet (5.5.2000/Stuttgart) ca. 5 min. Bfl, Bcl, Mp, Pf, Vl, Vc. 167-h. Cadance“24 Variation without Theme“ for Sextet (4.7.2000/Stuttgart) ca. 5 min. Fl.Ob, Cl, Hr, Fg, Pf. % 167-i. Cadance“24 Variation without Theme“ for Sextet (27.10.2000/Stuttgart) ca. 5 min. Ms, Po, Mp, Ak, Pf, Vl. 167-j. „Hi“ for American Poet for Violin and Piano (12.11.2000/Stuttgart) ca. 5 min. 167-k. Cadance“24 Variation without Theme“ for Sextet (7.2..2001/Hilgenroth) ca. 5 min. Fl, Ob, Cl, Hr, Sx, Fg. % 167-l. Sub-Mini-Werk for Quintett (24.6.2001/Hilgenroth) ca. 5 min.Cl, Fg, Mp, Vl, Vc. 167-m.“Hi“ for Violin, Piano and Metal Percussion (5.1.2001/Hilgenroth) ca. 5 min. 168. Concerto Grosso VI „Ein Geschenk aus der geistlischen Welt“ für Streichorchester (12.10.1999/Stuttgart) ca. 8 min. al meno 66442 % 168-a. Solo-Concerto Grosso „Ein Weltraum in Mir“ for solo Piano, (21.4.2000/Stuttgart) ca.7 min. 168-b. Pro-Concerto-Grosso for Accordion and String Quartet, (23.5.2000/Stuttgart) ca.12 min. Publishing: Bundesakademie für musikalische Jugendausbildung, % 168-c. Semi-Concerto-Grosso I for Accordion and String Orchestra (30.4.2001/Hilgenroth) ca.10 min. Str.(14-12-10-6-4): 2 Agosto Composition Prize in Bologna/Italia, Opened Reharsal 1 Agosto 2001 in Piazza Maggiore a Bologna dalle 21:00 alle 24:00, WP.2 Agosto in Pazza Maggiore a Bologna dalle 21:00/Accodion solo Ivano Battiston, Orchestra: Sinfonica della Foundazione „Arturo Toscanini“ a Palma, Direttore: Pietro Borgonovo, Live by Radio Tre in Italia; TV-Broad Casting 5th Agosto dalle 9:00 di Rai Tre, CD-Production Alfa Music Studio, Fabrizio Salvatore, Via G.Turner, 27/31, I-00169 Roma/Tel:0039-06-263-067, Fax:0039-06-23269-109; E-mail Publishing:Bundesakademie für musikalische Jugendausbildung, % 168-d. Sub-Piano Concerto I for Piano and String Orchestra (18.5.2001/Hilgenroth) ca.10 min. 66442 168-e.„Ein Geschenk aus der geistlischen Welt“ for Harp, Cembalo, Piano and String Orchestra (15.5.2002/Hilgenroth: 66442) ca. 14 min. 169. Menagerie V for Blasorchestra (22.10.1999/Stuttgart) ca. 5 min.206003Sx-23312Eup-Pk.Sch. 170. Simulation V for Orchestra (7.11.1999/Stuttgart) ca. 5 min. 4444-4431-Pk,3S, 2Hp, Cel-16, 16, 12, 10, 8, 171. String Quartet VII „Vuota Corda“ (9.1.2000/Stuttgart) ca. 9 min. 172. Play Station IV „Umgebungsmusik“ für Orchestra (27.2.2000/Stuttgart) ca. 30 min. 4444-4431-4S-16, 16, 12, 10, 8, 68 Page 173. Missa Piccola pour choeur de femmes a cappella (5.3.2000/Stuttgart) ca. 5 min. 173-a. Missa Brevis for 2 Pianos (14.5.2002/Hilgenroth) ca. 5 min. 174. „Über die Nacht meiner Geburt von Andreas Gryphius“ für Mezzosopranstimme und Flügel (9.6.2000/Stuttgart) ca. 5 min. % 174-a. „Über die Nacht meiner Geburt von Andreas Gryphius“ für Flügel solo mit Hammer, Glass, Staub, Bauklötze und Stimme (12.6.2000/Stuttgart) ca. 5 min.WP.17.6.2000 um 20:00 Uhr in Rudorf Steiner Haus Stuttgart, Veranstalter von Werkstattkonzert mit Eurythmie „Lebendige Gestalt“; 2. Aufführung am 2.7.2000 in Rudorf Steiner Haus Stuttgart, Veranstalter % 174-b. „Über die Nacht meiner Geburt von Andreas Gryphius“ für Tenorstimme und Flügel (8.11.2000/Stuttgart) ca .5 min. % 174-c. „Über die Nacht meiner Geburt von Andreas Gryphius“ per Canto solo (16.4.2000/Stuttgart) ca .5 min. % 174-d. „Über Die Nacht Meiner Geburt von Andreas Gryphius" for Tenor, Horn, Piano and Double bass (20.2.2002)ca.5 min. 174-e. „Über Die Nacht Meiner Geburt von Andreas Gryphius" für Sopran und Flügel (14.1.04/Hilgenroth) ca.5 min. 174-f. „Über die Nacht meiner Geburt von Andreas Gryphius“ für Blockflöte, Tenorstimme, Flügel und Midi-Tape (1.2.2004/ Hilgenroth) ca. 5 min. 175. „Tulpen für Mädy“ für gemischen Chor a cappella (10.9.2000/Stuttgart) ca. 10 min. Text: Marie-Liuse Kaschnitz 176. „Aleph“ für 2 Klavire und 2 Pauken (27.9.2000/Stuttgart) ca.15 min. 8 Page 176-a. „Aleph“ für Klavier solo (26.9.2000/Stuttgart) ca.15 min. 176-b. „Aleph“ für Cembalo solo (30.10.03/Hilgenroth) ca.10 min. 177. Hpela für 4 Blockflöten (7.11.2000/Stuttgart) ca.12 min. % 177-a, Hpela für Flöte, Klarinet, Trrompete und Euphonium (Hilgenroth/9.1.2001) ca.12 min. % 177-b, Hpela für 4 Guitars (10.1.2001/ Hilgenroth) ca.12 min. 177-c, Hpela for Flute, Clarinet and Pianoforte (19.2.2001/Hilgenroth) ca.12 min. 177-d, Hpela for 4 Saxophones (28.10.01/Hilgenroth) ca.12 min. 177-e, Hpela for Clarinet, Alto saxophone, Bass Clarinet and Baritpone Saxophone (23.6.2003/Hilgenroth) ca.12 min. 178. Play Station V, for Orchestra (21.11.2000/Stuttgart) Duration: 9:00 Movements: 1 Instrumentation: w:3-3-3-3, b:4-3-3-1, timp + 3 perc, hp, pno, strings. Difficulty: easy. For full orchestra. 179. „Farben des Lichts nach Licht –Jetzt“ für gemischen Chor und Orgel (21.12.2000/Stuttgart) ca. 8 min. 179-a, „Farben des Lichts nach Licht –Jetzt“ für mähnlichen gemische Chor a cappella, ca. 8 min. 180. String Quartet VIII “Sempre Glissando con Sordino“ (18.1.2001/Hilgenroth, Hauptstr.17, D-57612) ca.10 min. % 180-a. Piano Quartet (1.2.2001/Hilgenroth) ca. 10 min. 180-b. Electronic Solo for Contraviolin solo (14.2.2001/Hilgenroth) ca.10 min. 180-c. Super solo for Violin solo (1.2.2001/Hilgenroth) ca.10 min. % 180-d. Super solo for Viola solo (17.2.2001/Hilgenroth) ca.10 min. 180-e. Sempre Glissando con Sordino for Trombone and String Quartet (19.2.2002/Hilgenroth) ca.10 min. 180-f. Piano Quintet (27.6.2002/Hilgenroth) ca. 10 min. 181. Der-Cid- Suite for Flöte, Geige, Trommeln und Klavier (21.3.2001/Hilgenroth) ca.20 min. % 181-a. Der- Cid- Suite for Flöte, Guitarre, Trommeln, und Klavier (29.3.2001/Hilgenroth) ca.20 min. 181-b. Der- Cid- Suite for Violin, Violincello und Klavier (29.3.2001/Hilgenroth) ca.20 min 181-c. Der- Cid- Suite for Altsaxophon in Es und Klavier (29.3.2001/Hilgenroth) ca.20 min 181-d. Der- Cid- Suite for Klarinette in B and Klavier (29.3.2001/Hilgenroth) ca.20 min % 181-e. Der- Cid- Suite for Flute, Viola and Harp(11.4.2001/Hilgenroth) ca.20 min. 181-f. Der- Cid- Suite for Flute, Violin, Viola and Piano (21.7.2001/Hilgenroth) ca. 20 min. 181-g. Der- Cid- Suite für Baritonesaxophone und Akkordeon (25.9.2001/Hilgenroth) ca.20 min. Publishing: Bundesakademie für musikalische Jugendausbildung, 181-h. Suite for Violin, Drums and Piano (5.1.2002/Hilgenroth) ca.20 min. 181-i. Suite für Violine, Trommel und Klavier (14.3.2002/Hilgenroth) ca.20 min. % 181-j. Suite for Viola and Piano (3.7.2002/Hilgenroth) ca.20 min. 182. Mini-Fugati für 2 Zithern (16.4.2001/Hilgenroth) ca. 6 min. Zitherverlag in Köln-München 182-a. Mini-Fugati for 4 Contra basses (16.4.2001/Hilgenroth) ca. 6 min. 182-b. Mini-Fugati for 4 DoubleReed Instruments (28.5.2001/Hilgenroth) ca.6 min. 182-c. Mini-Fugati for 2 Clarinets, Alt saxophone and Baritone saxophone (23.6.03/Hilgenroth) ca. 6 min. 182-d. Mini-Fugati for 4 Saxophones (8.8.03/Hilgenroth) ca. 6 min. 182-e. Mini-Fugati for 2 Hackbrette (24.9.03/Hilgenroth) ca. 6 min. 183. Concerto Grosso VII for solo Violin, solo Guitar and Jazz Orchrstra (2.5.2001/Hilgenroth) ca.10 min.5Sx,4Tp,3Tb,Tba, Pf, Kb, Dr. 183-a. Semi-Concerto-Grosso II for Wind Orchestra with Percussion (29.5.2001/Hilgenroth) ca.10 min.(2222-0110-Per.00000) 183-b. Sub-Concerto-Grosso II for Jazz Orchestra „Jazz-Experiment“ (27.6.2001/Hilgenroth) ca.10 min. 101, 2Sx, 0-1010, Dr, Pf, Gt,Cb. 183-c. Dis-Concerto-Grosso for Jazz Orchestra „Jazz-Experiment“ (1.7.2001/Hilgenroth) ca.10 min. 5Sx, 4Tp, 3Tb, Dr, Vb, Pf, Gt, Cb. 183-d. Pro-Concerto-Grosso for 12 Musicians (26.12.2001/Hilgenroth) ca.10 min.2Fl, 2Cl, 2Kb, Ad, Pc, Gt, Bg, Vl, Vc. 183-e. Solo-Concerto-Grosso for Wind Orchestra with Percussion (28.12.2002/Hilgenroth) ca.10 min.(2222-0110-Per.Pf, 00000) 183. Etude for Tuba solo (19.5.2001) ca.3min. % 184-a. Etude for Trumpet solo (18.2.2002/Hilgenroth) ca. 3 min. 185. "My Father" for Soprano, Baritone and Orchestra (6.6.2001) ca.6 min.(2222-2000-Tp.-66442) 185-a. Pro-Kammersinfonie I for Orchestra, 2220-0200-0-66442 (8.10.2001/Hilgenroth, ca..6 min.) WP:September 18th 2002 in Uzbek State Conservatoire at 18:30 ocklok, in Tashkent, Uzbek-Natinal Philharmonie under Shigeru Kan-no, Uzbekistan, 700000, Tashkent, Gulomov kochasi, 69, Tel/Fax:00998-71-1330-867 The Union of Composer of Uzbekistan (Veranstalter) 186. Drei Liturgien ohne Wort für 2 Trompeten und 2 Posaunen (25.6.2001/Hilgenroth) ca. 5 min. Passau Kirchenmusik Preis, am 29. September 2002 in der Klosterkirche Aldersbach, ca. 30 km nordwestlich von Passau, Information: Bischöfliches Seelsorgeamt Passau, Referat Kirchenmusik, Domplatz 3, D-94032 Passau/Germany;, 186-a. Drei Liturgien ohne Wort für 4 Flutes (3.7.2001/Hilgenroth) ca. 5min. 186-b. Drei Liturgien ohne Wort für 2 Euphoniums und 2 Tubas (4.7.2001/Hilgenroth) ca. 5min. 187. “Flageolett + Passacaglia = Blues???“ für Flügel solo (11.7.2001/Hilgenroth) ca. 5 min. Auftrag von Marcel Worms/Amsterdam; Interview and Recording at Deutschlandradio in Köln on 7th 3.2002, Sendung am 22.9.02 DLF um 15:05 Musikszene, UA: Am 7.Juni 2002 in Paris/ France, Goethe Institut in Paris ; Piano: Marcel Worms, Richard Holstraat 6, 1071 SM Amsterdam/Netherlands, tel./fax ++ 31 20 6767371, e-mail:,, 2.Auffühlung: 27.Januar 03- Leipzig - Musikschule J.S.Bach: 7:30 pm NEUE BLUES AUS DEUTSCHLAND Marcel Worms – piano, 3.Aufführung: 28.Januar 03- Dresden - Kleine Szene: Anfang 8.00 pm in Dresden: Blues Program as Contenporary Music by Contenporary Composers; Piano: Marcel Worms, 4.Auffühlung: 29.Januar 03- Chemnitz - Neue Sächsische Gallerie: Bluesprogram - BlueNeue Sachsische Gellerie, 8:00 pm, by German composers Piano: Marcel Worms 187-a. „Flageolett + Passacaglia = Blues???“ for Soprano Saxophone, Cornetto, Accordion and Bass (27.9.2001/Hilgenroth) ca. 5 min % 187-b. „Flageolett + Passacaglia = Blues+Umai“ for Tenor, Horn, Piano and Double bass (15.2.2002/Hilgenroth) ca.5 min. 188. Orgelkonzert II für Orgel und Orchester (19.8.2001/Hilgenroth) ca. 12 min. (1111-1000.Pk.65441) 188-a. Sub-Kammersinfonie IV für Orchester (22.8.2001/Hilgenroth) ca..9 min.1111-3220-Timp,66442 % 188-b. Pro-Kammersinfonie II for Orchestra, (8.10.01/Hilgenroth) ca..9 min. 2220-0200-0-66441 WP:September 18th 2002 in Uzbek State Conservatoire at 18:30 ocklok, in Tashkent, Uzbek-Natinal Philharmonie under Shigeru Kan-no, Uzbekistan, 700000, Tashkent, Gulomov kochasi, 69, Tel/Fax:00998-71-1330-867 The Union of Composer of Uzbekistan (Veranstalter) 189. „Aicá Maragá" for mixed Choir a cappella (28.8.01/Hilgenroth) ca. 4 min. in spanischer Sprache % 189-a. „Psalm 46, 2-3“ for mixed choir, Trumpet and Organ (7.12.2001/Hilgenroth) ca. 5 min. in english language 190. Pedro Lezcano retrato de una Anciana" for mixed Choir and 10 instrumental Players(2.9.01/Hilgenroth) ca. 10 min.(2Bcl, 2Tpt,2Timp, 2 Vln, 2Vc.) in spanischer Sprache 191. "Engagement" for Baritone Saxophone and Accordion (3.10.01/Hilgenroth, ca. 7 min.) 2002 in De Ysbreker in Amsterdam/Holland, dinsdag 29 oktober, 20.30 uur Address: Weesperzijde 23, 1091 EC Amsterdam; tel:+ 31 (0)20-6681805; fax:+ 31 (0)20-6946607:De IJsbreker (The Icebreaker)/Veranstalter Gertie Bruin - accordeon en Niels Bijl - saxofoon Publishing: Bundesakademie für musikalische Jugendausbildung, 192. "St Clemens-St Stephen-0 Dimention-Tone Police" for 12 Trumpets (3.11.2001/Hilgenroth) ca.4 min. 192-a. "St Clemens-St Stephen-0 Dimention-Tone Police" for 14 Brasswind (10.12.2001/Hilgenroth) ca. 4 min.(4Tp.4Hr.4Tb.Eup.Tba) 192-b. "St Clemens-St Stephen-0 Dimention-Tone Police" for 12 Horn (10.12.2001/Hilgenroth) ca. 4 min. % 192-c. "St Clemens-St Stephen-0 Dimention-Tone Police" for 2 Trumpet, 2 Trombone and 2 Timpanies (11.12.2001/Hilgenroth) ca. 4 min. 192-d. "St Clemens-St Stephen-0 Dimention-Tone Police" for 10 wood wind instruments (7.8.03/Hilgenroth) ca. 4 min. 192-e. "St Clemens-St Stephen-0 Dimention-Tone Police" for12 Saxophones (8.8.03/Hilgenroth) ca.4 min. 192-f. "St Clemens-St Stephen-0 Dimention-Tone Police" for 8 Brasswind (2.2.04/Hilgenroth) ca.4 min. 193. Kammerkonzert VI for 17 Players (25.11.2001/Hilgenroth) ca.12 min. 2020-2Sx-1211-0-Ak-20030 % 193-a. Pro-Kammerkonzert VI for 17 Players (26.11.2001/Hilgenroth) ca.12 min. 2022-1211-0-Ky-20021 194. Trial II "Knock and Glissando" for Guitar solo (28.11.2001/Hilgenroth) ca.6 min. % 194-a. "Knock and Glissando" for Clarinet and Guitar duo (9.2.03/Hilgenroth) ca. 6 29th Nov.03 by Duo Ebcore in Portugal : Fernabdo Pernas. fpernas@hotmail WP.At 29 November 03 we "Duo Encore" interpreted "knock and glissando" in Portugal Fernando Pernas. fpernas2003@hotmail 195. "Techno-Opera" for 2 Klavire (20.12.2001/Hilgenroth) ca. 5 min. % 195-a. Anaki III „The Final Duel“ for Accordion and Piano (22.2.02/Hilgenroth) ca. 5 min. Publishing: Bundesakademie für musikalische Jugendausbildung, 196. "Harmonie von A bis g" für Bass Stimme und Klavier (25.12.2001/Hilgenroth) ca.4 min. % 196-a. „Harmonie von A bis g“ für Countertenor Stimme und Holzschlagzeug (19.1.2002/Hilgenroth) ca 4 min. 196-b. „Harmonie von A bis g“ for Trombone and Piano (18.2.2002) ca.4min. 196-c. „Harmonie von A bis g“ for Trumpet and Piano (18.2.2002) ca.4min. 196-d. „Harmonie von A bis g“ for Tenor, Horn, Piano and Double bass (18.2.2002) ca.4 min. 196-e. „Harmonie von A bis g“ for Canto and Piano (24.6.03/Hilgenroth) ca.4 min. 196-f. „Harmonie von A bis g“ für Blockflöte, Tenorstimme, Flügel und Midi-Tape (4.2.04/Hilgenroth) ca. 4 min. 197. String Quartet IX "Molto Follemente" (22.1.2002/Hilgenroth: Revised Version 24.7.2002/ Hilgenroth) ca.15 min. 198. Eine babylonisches Essen II „Nationale Art“ für Akkordeon solo mit Zusatzinstrumente (3.3.2002/Hilgenroth) ca. 7 min. Publishing: Bundesakademie für musikalische Jugendausbildung, 199. Die fünf Teile des Diamanten nach F.G.Lorca für gemischen Chor und 5 Instrumentalisten (15.4.2002/Hilgenroth) ca. 15 min.(Fl, Hr,.Pf. Sch.Kb.) 200. Doppelkonzert für Violine, Violoncello und kleines Orchestra (17.4.2002/Hilgenroth) ca.20 min.(1010-1100-Pf.P.-11111) 201. „Hogaku“ for 5 Japanese Instruments (6.7.2002/Hilgenroth) ca. 6 min. % 201-a. „Music from China“ for 5 Chinese Instruments (8.7.2002/Hilgenroth) ca. 6 min. 201-b.“ Hogaku-Hosoku“ for Flute, Clarinet, Percussion, Piano and Violincello (27.11.2002/Hilgenroth) ca. 6 min. 202. Die Hessische Volkslieder für gemischen Chor a cappella (28.8.2002/ Hilgenroth) ca. 5 min. mit deutschem Volks Text 203. „Luis Cobiella Pan“ for mixed Choir and String Quartet (3.9.2002/ Hilgenroth) ca 10 min mit spanischem Volks Text % 203-a. Sub-StringQuartet IV„Luis Cobiella Pan“ for String Quartet (17.01.03/ Hilgenroth) ca 10 min 203b. „Pater Noster“ for Baritone and String Quartet (15.11.03/Hilgenroth) ca. 10 min. 204. SIMULATION VI for Orchestra (25.9.2002/Hilgenroth) ca. 15 min. 4445-6541-4p, Pf, Hp, al meno 14-12-10-8-6 205. Trial III „Suppelmentary Food“ for Guitar solo with Addition (20.11.2002/Hilgenroth) ca. 7 min. % 205-a. „Suppelmentary Food“ for Clarinet and Guitar duo (10.2.03/Hilgenroth) ca. 7 min. 206. Trieb II for 12 Players (31.12.02, Hilgenroth) ca. 10 min. 2Cl, 3Sx. Hr, Tba, Ak, 2Vl, Vla, Vc. 206-a. Trieb II for 12 Players (20.9.03/Hilgenroth) ca. 10 min. Ob, 2 Cl, 2 Bs, Hr, Tba, Pf, 2 Vi, Vla, Vc. 207. „Leidenschaft“ für gemischen Chor (8.1.2003/Hilgenroth) ca. 9 min. Liturgiescher Text in deutscher Sprache 207-a. „Leidenschaft und Frieden“ für gemischen Chor und 3 Instrumente (29.10.03/Hilgenroth) ca. 10 min. Liturgiescher Text in deutscher Sprache 208. „Seehunde“ Musiktheater, Libretto by Todd Bash (29.1.2003/Hilgenroth) ca.23 min.1111-1110.2P,Pf.11111 208-a. „Seehunde“ Opera Lied for Canto and Piano (24.6.03/Hilgenroth) ca. 1 min. % 208-b. „Seehunde“ Opera Aria for Canto and Piano (24.6.03/Hilgenroth) ca. 5 min. 208-c. „Seehunde“ Opera Lied “ für Blockflöte, Tenorstimme, Flügel und Midi-Tape (3.2.04/Hilgenroth) ca. 6 min. 209. A Wonderful Experiment for 3 Viole (1.2.2003/Hilgenroth) ca. 9 min. 210. „Quaoar“ for Violin, Trombone and Organ (10.3.2003/Hilgenroth) ca. 8 min.UA Tokyo Solisten Dreieck Aufführende: Daishu Sugawara (Violine), Ryutaro Horie (Posaune), Hyeon-Yeong Kim (Orgel) Am 11. Oktober 2003, 19:30, St. Piuskirche(Veranstalter) in Köln/BRD Gottesweg 14, D-50969 Köln-Zollstok (Süd): Linie 12 210 -a. „Quaoar“ for Violin, Trombone, Piano and Violoncello (31.3.2003/Hilgenroth) ca. 8 min. 211. Mini Work VI “WOW!!!” for 3 Voices, Tenor Saxophone, Horn, Guitar, Cello and Double Bass (15.5.03/Hilgenroth) ca 1 min. 212. Millenium Soldier III “Hymnen Pinders” for mixed Choir and Orchestra (30.5.2002/Hilgenroth) ca 15 min. 2222-4231-3P-12-10-8-6-6 (Old Greek) 2nd Prize by Greek Olympic International Composition Competition 2004 213. “Improvisation” for Large Orchestra (7.8.03/Hilgenroth) 4444-84442-6P.Pf-with Cel, 4Hp, 20-18-14-12-10; ca.120 min. 214. „Inminencia Constante“ for a cappella mixed Choir (3.9.2003/Hilgenroth) ca. 5 min. Español 215. Trial IV “Sound-Sound” for Guitar solo (25.11.03/Hilgenroth) ca. 8 min. 216. Urban Dreams in a Town "Vision" for Saxophone, Percussion, Guitar and Keybord (10.12.03/Hilgenroth) 10 min. Commission by Fabrizio Festa 217. Trieb III for 14 Players (7.1.04/Hilgenroth) 2Cl, 3Sx, Hr, 2 Tp, Tb, Tba, 2 Vl, Vla, Vc. Ca. 11 min. Live-Electronic L-1 “NGC-Domaine“ für Posaune solo (18.1.2000/Stuttgart) ca.10 min. L-2 “Partita for Mission Impossible“ for Oboe solo (17.4.2000/Stuttgart) ca.7 min. Electric Music for Tape only, with Computer Program E-1. Musique Concrete for Strereo Analog Tape in 5 movements (1992) ca.12´30“ World Premire (5.11.95 Stuttgartum 20:00 Uhr) in Landesgirokasse, Veranstalter Künststiftung Baden-Württemberg E-2. Filmmusik ohne Titel I, 11 Buchsenstücke für einen Film (1992) 12´29“(0´18“, 1´39“,1´00“,1´17“, 0´43“, 0´27“, 4´58“, 0´14“, 0´25“, 0´32“, 0´56“) in 11 Sätze E-3. Filmmusik ohne Titel II, 3 Buchsenstücke für einen Film in 3 Sätze (1992) 17´54“ (8´59“,3´48“,5´07“) E-4. Filmmusik ohne Titel III, 3 Buchsenstücke für einen Film in 3 Sätze (1992) 20´10“ (3´58“,7´45“,9´17“) E-5. Filmmusik ohne Titel IV, 3 Buchsenstücke für einen Film in 3 Sätze (1992) 26´06“ (8´57“,9´05“,7´54“) E-6. Vormittagsspuck in 4 Sätze (1992) 39´21“ (8´55“,9´00“,9´02“,12´24“) Production von Filmacademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH E-7. A Sunny Honey: Picture Show für Claudine (1992) 3´34“ Production von Claudia Sindler E-8. Tänzerin (1993) 3´31“ Production von Japanischem Film/Masahiro Shinoda E-9. Hohe Dichte Variation in 5 Sätze für Atari Digital-Computer mit Cubaseprogramm 3.0 (1993) ca.9´09“ E-10.12 Experimente als Musiktheorie für Macintosh Digital-Computer Cubase (1993) ca.45´ Bearbeitungen/Arrangements B-1. Aus Atto Secondo “La Bohéme” von G. Puccini für Blassorchester, Feb.1987, Wien) ca.5 min. Auftragswerk und Veranstalter: Brasskapelleverein in Kyushu B-2. Aus “Cinderella goes to the Ball” aus Cinderella von S.Prokofiev für Brasskapelle, Okt.1988, Wien) Auftragswerk und Veranstalter: Brasskapelleverein in Kyushu; ca.3 min. B-3. Das Elternhaus für Chor mit Klavierbegleitung (Herbst in 1992, Stuttgart/Gablenburg) ca.4 min. Auftragswerk und Veranstalter des SKG-Chor Gablenburg:Erstaufführung, Weihnachten 1992 B-4. Schuberts Klavier Sonate Nr.16, 1.Satz a-moll D-845/Op.42 Bei WVE-105/Zender;16.6.95 B-5. Romance in C-major von Jean Sibelius, Op.42 for Violin and Pianoforte (18.8.99/Stuttgart)ca.7 min. B-6. Andante Festivo in G-major von Jean Sibelius for 6 Players (1992);19.8.99/Stuttgart ca.7 Min. B-7. Langsamer Satz von Anton Webern(1905) für Flöte, Gitarre und Klavier (20.8.99/Stuttgart) ca.5 Min. B-8. Christus factus est (Graduale) von Anton Bruckner für Posaunenchor (2.10.01/Hilgenroth) ca. 4 min. UA. 18.04.03: Karfreitag um 9:30 Uhr, Kirche in Puderbach: Veranstalter/ Kirchen Gemeinde Puderbach B-9. Os justi (Graduale) von Anton Bruckner für Posaunenchor (14.10.01/Hilgenroth) ca. 5 min. B-10. Virga Jesse floruit (Graduale) von Anton Bruckner für Posaunenchor (15.10.01/Hilgenroth) ca. 5 min. UA. 22.12.02: Weihnachtskonzert in Puderbach Kirche um 17:00 Uhr: Veranstalter/ Kirchen Gemeinde Puderbach B-11. „Weißt du, wo der Himmel ist“ for Posaunenchor (B-79, 28.5.03/Hilgenroth) ca.2 min. UA 29.5.03 um 15 Uhr in Himmelfahrt, Waldgottesdienst in Bauscheid: Veranstalter/ Kirchen Gemeinde Puderbach B-12. „Das Wünsch ich sehr“ für Posaunenchor (2.10.03, Hilgenroth) ca. 2 min. Original Unbekannte, UA am 12.10.03 in Kindergarten in Steinmel BRD um 10:30 Uhr, Veranstalter Kindergarten Stenmel und Kirchengemainde Puderbach und Oberdresis mit Posaunenchöre Puderbach und Oberdresis B-13. „Segne uns mit der Weite des Himmels“ für Posaunenchor (2.10.03, Hilgenroth) ca. 3 min. Original Unbekannte, UA am 12.10.03 in Kindergarten in Steinmel BRDum 10:30 Uhr, Veranstalter Kindergarten Stenmel und Kirchengemainde Puderbach und Oberdresis mit Posaunenchöre Puderbach und Oberdresis B-14. „Komm, bau ein Haus“ für Posaunenchor (2.10.03, Hilgenroth) ca. 4 min. Original Unbekannte, UA am 12.10.03 in Kindergarten in Steinmel BRD um 10:30 Uhr, Veranstalter Kindergarten Stenmel und Kirchengemainde Puderbach und Oberdresis mit Posaunenchöre Puderbach und Oberdresis B-15. „White Christmas“ for Soprano, Flute, Clarinet, Trumpet, mixed Choir and Piano (30.11.2003/Hilgenroth) ca. 3 min. Comission by Japanese Embassy in Berlin WP. on 18.12.03 at/ Japanese Embassy in Berlin/ Germany, Leader Mayumi Sakamoto, Original: Irving Berlin B-16. “Santa Claus is Comin to Town” by Coops for Mixed Choir and Piano (1.12.2003/ Hilgenroth) ca. 2 min. Comission by Japanese Embassy in Berlin WP. on 18.12.03 at/ Japanese Embassy in Berlin/ Germany, Leader Mayumi Sakamoto B-17. “Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht” by Gruber für gemischen Chor und Klavier (2.12.2003/ Hilgenroth) ca. 2 min. Comission by Japanese Embassy in Berlin WP. on 18.12.03 at/ Japanese Embassy in Berlin/ Germany, Leader Mayumi Sakamoto B-18. “Zion hört die Wächter singen” aus BWV-140 by J.S. Bach für Canto, Trompete und Klavier (24.2.04/Hilgenroth) ca. 4 min.
I introduce me as a conductor for choir and orchestra. I have studied and worked since very long music inFukushima, Tokyo, Wien, Stuttgart, Ludwigsburg and Frankfurt: composition, conducting, and musicilogy. I was music director in Theater Tredichin Stuttgart. Further you can find all necessary informations as to my musical life, my education and professional carrer in the enclosed writing. I have not only already Japanese Citizenship but also EU Citizenship. Except my musical activity , please do you allow me, especially attentive to do for it, that I have so many actitivities in Japan (CD-DVD-Project/Sponsoren/Patron /Japan-Tournée-Finanz) and Europa, and I am available directly on the territory about very good connection in foreign country verfügte, which I can do for your enterprise very usefully. I have the thorough knowledges and experiences on the scope: -General Opera-Repertoire ca. over 100 (especially Monteverdi untill Lachenmann) Conducted already: Serail, Figaro, Così fan tutte, Don Giovanni, Zauberflöte, Fidelio, Babier, Trovatore, Rigoretto, Traviata, Maschera, Othello, Falstaff, Holländer, Tristan, Rheingold, Siegfried, Parsifal, Carmen, Bohème, Tosca, Butterfly and Turandot in original language in Fukushima, Tokyo National Theater and Germany. -General ca. 500 Concert and Ballet Repertoire (Moatly from Barok through 1st- and 2nd Vienna school, New York School,Polnish School, 1st and 2nd Darmstädter School untill Shostakovitch):Beethoven, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Thaikovski, Brahms, Bruckner, Dvorak, Mahler, Bartok, Liszt, Stravinski, Dubussy, Ravel, Strauss, Sibelius, Schoenberg, Berg, Webern, Copland, Varése, etc.) -Specially New Music territory (incl.Avangard- and Darmstadt school): Stockhausen, Nono, Boulez, Lachenmann, Ferneyhough, Scelsi, Cage, Ligeti, Berio, Xenakis, Hölszky, Zimmermann, Holliger, Varese, Zender, Lutoslawski, Penderecki, Gorecki, Huber, Messiaen, Crumb, Schnebel, Globokar, Feldman, Baird, Ustvolskaya, etc.:Japanese composers: Matsushita, Ito, Shimazu, Koyama, Irino, Mayuzumi, Mamiya, Matsumura, Hirose, Moroi, Miyoshi, Ichiyanaghi, Ishii, Nishimura, Toda, Takemitsu, Shimizu, Yuasa Yun, etc. -Sacred Music, Popular Music, Theater Music, Film and Industrial Music with also elektronic to combine. -MusicalDramaturgie and Musical Critik and Education: Piano teacher with international prize winners. (Italia,Tschecho,Spain,etc) -Score Reading-untill Stravinsky, R.Strauss, Debussy and Ravel -General Bass and Improvisation with Piano, Organ, Violin, Cello, Percussion and Leier -Conducting Prizes in Pontarlier/France and in Tokyo/New Music -As Private Piano Teacher for Student of International Piano Competition: (Italia: Roma-Santa Cecilia 1.Priz and Senigàllia- 4.Preis, in España: Andora-3.Priz, in Tschecho: Praha-2.Priz and variable Special Prizes) Please can you open the mz Inter-net for more informationwith picture and inform to me with my private telephon number or written, if I may introduce to you further, so that you can obtain personal impression by me, and thank you very much, that I maid written for you. Yours Sincerely enclosure curriculumvitae Shigeru Kan-no
Repertoire as a conductor: I. ca. 100 Opera-Repertoire (German, Italian, French, Russian: Original Language) Herzog, Fidelio, Wozzeck, Lulu, Carmen, L´Elisir d´Amore, Pelleas et Melisande, Le martyre de Saint Sébastien (Original Version), Neither, Tauride, Bremerfreiheit, Hänsel, Das Mädchen mit den Schwefelhölzern, Le Grand Macable, Pagliacci, Cavalleria, Undine, Loreley, Saint François d´Assise, Bastien, Entführung, Figaro, Don Giovanni, Der Schauspieldirektor, Così, Zauberflöte, Idomeneo, Boris Godunov, Chovanschtschina, Windor, Intolleranza, Hoffmanns Erzährungen, Carmina Burana, De Temporum Fine Comedia, La Serva Padrona, Snow Maiden, The Tale of Tsar Saltan, Barbier, Evgeny Onegin(Prokoviev), Manon Lescaut, Bohème, Tosca, Butterfly, Fanciulla, Tabarro, Angelica, Schicchi, Turandot, L´Heure Espagnole, L´Enfant et les Sortilèges, Von Heute auf Morgen, Moses und Aaron, Katerina Izmailova, Cheryomuski-Moscow, The Gamblers, The Great Lichtning, Fledermaus, Elektra, Rosenkavalier, Ariadne, Friedenstag, Die Frau ohne Scatten, Die Schweigesame Frau, Arabella, Die Ägiptische Helena, Die Liebe der Damae, Erwartung, Die glückliche Hand, Le Rossinol, Oedipus Rex, Renard, Mavra, L´histoire du Soldat, Rigoletto, Trovatore, Travoata, Maschera, Simon Boccanegra, Don Carlo, Aida, Othello, Falstaff, Laforza del Destino, Rienzi, Holländer, Tannhäuser, Lohengrin, Rheingold, Walküre, Tristan, Meistersinger, Siegfried, Götterdämerung, Parsifal, Abu Hassan, Freischütz, Oberon, Preciosa, Soldaten II. 23 Ballet Repertoire Der holzgeschnitte Prinz, Der wunderbare Mandarin, Daphnis et Cloe, Bolero, MaMère l´oye, La valse, L´oiseau du feu, Le sacre du Printemps, Petruschka, Histoire du Soldat, Pulcinella, Les Noces, Kartenspiel, Agon, The Marriage, Swan Lake, Dornröschen, Nussknacker, Roi Ubu, Gayaneh, The Golden Age, The Bolt, The Limpid Stream III. 500 Orchestra Music, Orchestra with Chorus and Instrumental Concert (Completed Symphonies and Concerti (memorize):From Bach untill Schostakovitsch/Yun) IV. Ca. 50 Church Music:Cantata, Missa, Oratorio, Requiem, Passion Motetto, etc. V. Contemporary Music: 1st and 2nd Wiener School untill 1st-2nd-3rd Darmstadt-Donaueschingen School, New York School, Post Serielisum, Spectrum School in Paris, Polnish School, Freiburger School, etc.
| Anna C Kasket
| Skills:
| Accompanist, Arranger, Conductor, Publisher, Singer, Teacher, Typesetter (Music typesetting using Finale 2000)
| Phone:
| +44 1223 840168
| Address:
| 8 Grantchester Road, Trumpington, Cambridge CB2 2LH, United Kingdom
| Links:
Website E-mail |
| Anna Kasket was educated at the North London Collegiate School. She went on to Lincoln College, Oxford, where she was awarded a top First Class degree in English Language and Literature. She took piano, organ, oboe and harmony at the Royal Academy of Music in London, and harpsichord lessons with Robert Woolley. She studied ballet and European traditional dance as a pupil of the Stella Mann School of Dancing, also in London.
After Oxford, Anna was awarded a De Lancey Scholarship by Trinity College, Cambridge, for postgraduate research in English and Continental music and theatre of the 17th century. Her research extended to Jesuit college music-theatre; Roman Catholic poetry of apotheosis; obscure and forgotten music-dramas of the London stage; and musical 'dialogues' of the seventeenth century, amongst other literary, philosophical, visual and musical phenomena
While at Oxford University, Anna acted for OUDS (the Oxford University Dramatic Society), and directed Christopher Marlowe's Dido, Queen of Carthage, at the Oxford Union. She sang in Lincoln College Chapel Choir; and took part in chamber music sessions as a pianist, as well as giving a solo piano recital. At Cambridge University, Anna choreographed Purcell's Dido and Aeneas at Peterhouse Theatre, Handel's Acis and Galatea- at the ADC Theatre, and Gluck's Orfeo - at the Arts Theatre. She directed Holst's Savitri -and performed in The Soldier's Tale (dancing The Princess) for Cambridge University Opera Society (CUOS).- Other performances include Gilbert and Sullivan's Trial By Jury for St. Catharine's College, and a solo vocal recital. Anna was a member of St. Catharine's College Chapel Choir and toured with them to the Cathedrals of France, and to Switzerland, Italy and Holland. After leaving Cambridge, she sang The Sorceress in, and directed Dido and Aeneas for the National Art Collections Fund, at Longstowe Hall, Cambridgeshire; and then went on to sing and act with national companies such as Opera 80, Théâtre de Complicité and the Trestle Theatre Company, with whom she toured extensively in Britain, and performed in Sicily and Australia.
Recently, Anna Kasket has been the director of a madrigal group in Grantchester; performed in Cambridge as a viol player; and she was the permanent accompanist for the King's College School Parents' Choir until the birth of her daughter Gloria in January, 2000. Similarly on hold for a period of maternity leave is Anna's participation in concerts by the vocal group Quintessence, which she founded in 1999, primarily to sing four- five- and six-part music of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. The group gave its inaugural concert at the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. A 'Finale' user for many years, Anna Kasket founded Lancelot Unlimited Music Typesetting (named in memory of her black cat, Lancelot) in 1998, with an academic commission from Professor John Stevens of Cambridge University, who has written Music and Poetry in the Early Tudor Court and Words and Music in the Middle Ages. It is an edition of 'The Earliest English Song-Book' ~ Cambridge University Library MS. Ff.i.17 ~ and is due to be published by Oxford University Press.
| Oliver John Kentish
| Skills:
| composer, conductor, player, teacher
| Address:
| Sidumuli 34, Reykjavik 108, Iceland
| Links:
Website E-mail |
| Born in London in 1954, Oliver commenced studies on the cello aged 12. He went on to the Royal Academy of Music, London, studying with Vivian Joseph. In 1976, in his final year at the RAM, "Three Songs of Death", poems by Verlaine, for baritone, string quartet and string orchestra was premiered in the Duke's Hall, by David Wilson-Johnson, baritone, the Coull String Quartet and a string orchestra conducted by the composer. In 1977, Oliver moved to Iceland to take up the position of co-principal cellist with the Iceland Symphony Orchestra. He has lived in Iceland ever since. In recent years, he has devoted more of his time to composition and conducting, and is a member of the Society of Icelandic Composers, having taken Icelandic citizenship in 1989. Oliver now lives and works in and around the capital, Reykjavik. His output consists of music in most genres; song, choral, chamber and orchestral. In 1993, he was commissioned by the British government to compose a work which would be the gift of the British people to the people of Iceland on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the republic. The work, entitled "Mitt folk" or "My People" for baritone soloist and symphony orchestra, was premiered on September 22 by Michael J Clarke and the Iceland S.O., conducted by Osmo Vänskä. It is dedicated to the former president of Iceland, Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, on behalf of the Icelandic people.
Much of Oliver's output to date has been for voice, songs for the counter-tenor Sverrir Guðjónsson make up a large part of this output. He has also composed a number of choral works, including a Mass, for chamber-choir, organ and percussion, a Requiem for double choir and a quartet of instruments: clarinet, trombone, cello and bass; a "Missa Brevis" for choir and string orchestra, two settings of the Magnificat, one for soprano solo and three cellos and one for choir and orchestra; various motets, "Ave Maria", "Nunc Dimittis", "Ave Verum", "Tantum Ergo", all for unnacompamied choir. He has also written a setting of the 150th Psalm of David, "Laudate Dominum" for children's/womens' choir and organ, ana a setting of "Totus Tuus" for two choirs. A setting of Psalm 25 vv 15-22 was commissioned by the choir "Schola Cantorum" of Hallgríms Church in Iceland and will receive its premiere in June 1999.
Oliver's chamber-works to date include "5 Little Pieces" for clarinet, cello and piano, "Outside the Circle" for flute, clarinet and string quartet, a string quartet, a wind-quartet and a brass quintet, as well as shorter single-movement works. He is at present working on various commissions, including a work for flute, bass-clarinet and piano, a solo piece for contrabass-trombone and a work for viola and marimba.
As well as his compositional activities, Oliver also teaches cello and theory at various music-schools in and around Reykjavik and also conducts school and community orchestras.
| Prema G. Kesselman
| Skills:
| Player, Soloist, Teacher (Flute, Piano)
| Phone:
| USA: +1 (856) 429 3935 UK: +44 (0)79 6264 2047
| Address:
| United States
| Links:
Website E-mail |
| Flutist Prema Kesselman is an active soloist, chamber and orchestral musician, performing throughout the USA, Canada and UK. She presented a highly successful New York solo recital debut at Carnegie Hall in 2005, which included two pieces composed specifically for her. The New York Concert Review wrote “Ms. Kesselman handled it all with assurance and a cool and focused tone…rock solid and note perfect…limpid and beautiful…a fluid and tight-ensembled performance. The final chord brought a standing ovation and an encore.” Ms. Kesselman, born in New York, began her serious musical training in Los Angeles, California, where she attended the Colburn School of Performing Arts. Since her concerto debut at the age of 15, she soloed with the Colburn Chamber Orchestra, Herbert Zipper Orchestra, Orchestra da Camera and the Temple University Symphony Orchestra. She has garnered prizes and awards from the Artists International Presentations, Inc., National Flute Association H.S. Soloist Competition, International Music & Dance Association of Canada-Annual Music Competition, Fé Bland Foundation, Myrna W. Brown Young Artist Competition, MTNA National Woodwind Competition, National Arts Association and the Young Musicians Foundation-Beverly Hills, CA. Her performances have been broadcast on Los Angeles’s KUSC 91.5 FM “Sundays at Four” and on WorldSpace digital satellite radio network throughout four continents. In addition, she performed in the Aspen Music Festival and Norfolk Chamber Music Festival, and in the following prestigious venues: Academy of Music, Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, Herbert Zipper Concert Hall, Kimmel Center, Sai Kulwant Hall-Prashanti Nilayam, Sydney Opera House, and the Toronto Centre for the Arts. Ms. Kesselman graduated from Temple University-Boyer College of Music in Philadelphia, PA, with a Bachelor of Music in Flute Performance, Summa Cum Laude, where she studied flute with David Cramer. Previously, she studied with Nadine Asin, Peter Lloyd, and Catherine Ransom, and has performed under the baton of Daniel Hege, Daniel Lewis, Esa-Pekka Salonen, Leonard Slatkin, and David Zinman, to name a few. Ms. Kesselman was previously Guest 2nd Flute with the Haddonfield Symphony and substitute flute with the New World Symphony. In the 2004-2005 season, she was presented as a guest artist in a solo recital sponsored by the Flute Society of Greater Philadelphia and performed in South India with the Universal Symphony Orchestra, comprised of eminent musicians from all over the world. She is currently pursuing a Master of Music in Flute Performance Studies at the Trinity College of Music, where she is studying flute with Wissam Boustany. Ms. Kesselman is sponsored the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Graduate Scholarship Program, which is one of the largest, most competitive scholarships available in the performing arts in the USA.
| Junghee Keum
| Skills:
| Player, Teacher
| Phone:
| +44 (0)121 449 0248
| Address:
| 228 Alcester road, birmingham B13 8EY, United Kingdom
| Links:
Website E-mail |
| I am a freelance viola player available for work with orchestras, quartets , chamber music and teaching work in the uk.
I studied with Rivka Golani and have m.mus in viola
For more details please contact me or find a detailed cv on morgensterns website
| Dr.Bhaskar V. Khandekar
| Skills:
| Accompanist, Composer, Player, Soloist, Teacher, Writer (same)
| Phone:
| 0761-4002775
| Fax:
| 0761-2490086
| Address:
| Kalavardhan Academy, Near Jain Mandir, Agrawal Colony ,, jabalpur MP 482001, India
| Links:
Website E-mail |
| India's First Music Therapist ,Dedicated to Music Therapy since 1993. First Ph.D. in Music Therapy.Hindustani Violinist , Musicologist .Dr.Bhaskar is not only a brilliant performing artist but also a eminent educationalist . Having more than 10 years Teaching Experience of classical music. Dr.Bhaskar has also given powerful play-back -music for many theatres and dramas entitling him as wonderful composer . He has given many successful Performances & Lec-Demos , and received wide appreciation all over India .
In his Second Phase - Dr.Bhaskar Khandekar is a very peculiar Astrologer and Gems Expert . His clinical approach and guaranteed Musical Remedies through horoscope , distinguish him as an authentic and extraordinary personality in this field . He had developed a 9 month Music Therapy Course for pregnancy period , so as to avoid psyco-somatic problems and to have a brilliant child. Activly , Dr. Bhaskar Khandekar is promoting and popularizing classical music through " KALAVARDHAN " Academy of Performing Arts Jabalpur .
He is also Director of RAASI "Research And Advance Studies Institute" ,where many research scholars are doing Ph.D. under his guidance . As a musicologist ,violinist and therapist Dr.Bhaskar is a eminent name of destinction and perfection making him pioneer of all his fields.
Dr.Bhaskar has obtained his Masters degree in Violin and had Ph.D. in very rare subject called " Music Therapy " from the reputed Indira Kala Sangeet VishvaVidyalaya Khairagarh .[C.G]. Apart from being a musician he is also master of Business Administration and hold the diploma for the same in 1984.
| Edmund Kimbell
| Skills:
| Accompanist, Singer, Soloist, Teacher, translator (Provide programme or singing translations of German texts.)
| Phone:
| +1 773 935 1803
| Fax:
| +1 773 935 9180
| Address:
| 450 West Melrose Avenue, #222, Chicago, Illinois 60657-3818, United States
| Links:
Website E-mail |
| Countertenor and pianist Edmund Kimbell is a versatile and multi-faceted artist who switches easily between voice and keyboard. As singer, his opera roles include the Czarevitch Feodor in "Boris Godunov" with the San Francisco Opera, Miles in Britten's "The Turn of the Screw" with the Sarasota Opera, and concert performances of the Page and Fourth Jew in "Salome and Amor" in Gluck's "Orfeo ed Euridice," as well as numerous Amahls. Concert and recital appearances include Bernstein's "Missa Brevis" at the Grant Park Music Festival, Bernstein's "Chichester Psalms" with the San Francisc Symphony Chorus, and Lieder recitals in California, Illinois and Canada.
As pianist, he performs both as soloist and as accompanist. Focusing on 19th and 20th century music, his repertoire ranges from Romantic Lieder through the lyric asceticism of Federico Mompou to the tumultuous "Fantasy Sonata" by contemporary prize-winning composer Michael A. Kimbell, which he has premiered. Mr. Kimbell frequently accompanies himself. He has also directed his own chamber arrangement of Prokofiev's "Peter and the Wolf" from the keyboard.
He can be heard (as boy soprano) in the world premiere recording of Daniel Kobialka's "Antiphony Across . . ." and as the voice of Young Bobbin in "Loom," an audio play produced by LucasFilm Games. His translations of two of the plays of the Austrian comic dramatist Ferdinand Raimund are published by Peter Lang. Side pursuits include theatrical lighting and sound design and intellectual property issues relating to the Internet.
| Michael Geoffrey Kirby
| Skills:
| soloist, teacher
| Phone:
| +34 670837316
| Fax:
| +34 922682437
| Address:
| Prol. C/ Cortes 41, Res. V.J. Radazul Alto, , El Rosario, Tenerife. 38109, Spain
| Links:
Website E-mail |
| I am the Principal Clarinettist of the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra and Professor of Clarinet in the Conservatorio Superior de Musica in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. If you go to my web page you can find out more about me and my activities as a clarinettist.
| Dave Knight
| Skills:
| Teacher (Drum tutor)
| Phone:
| +44 (0)7939 622030
| Address:
| Talkin Headz, 6 Apsley Hill, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes, Bucks MK17 8NJ, United Kingdom
| Links:
E-mail |
| Dave Knight is an exciting, talented young drummer yet has over eight years of playing, teaching and recording experience.
He studied at London's Drumtech under Brian Greene, Paul Elliot, Mark Roberts Terry Gregory and Pete Cater, developing not only his drumming skills but also his music theory and recording ability.
Dave's eight years experience makes him highly proficient in all styles of contemporary playing including; Rock, Pop, Jazz, Funk and Latin. Dave has toured Europe, played in shows and is a regular session and recording drummer with valuable recording experience.
| Francis Knights
| Skills:
| Accompanist, Conductor, Player, Teacher, Writer
| Address:
| Cambridge, United Kingdom
| Links:
Website E-mail |
| Francis Knights studied at London, Oxford and Nottingham universities, and has held research and teaching posts at the Royal Northern College of Music, Oxford University and the British Library. His research interests include cathedral music, manuscript sources, performance practice and early keyboard instruments; he is editor of 'Clavichord International' journal, and has published numerous articles and editions. As well as giving recitals on harpsichord, clavichord and organ, he directs the chamber choir Voces Angelicae and the period-instrument baroque ensemble Bach Collegium Oxford.
| Nikola Kodjabashia
| Skills:
| Arranger, Composer, Player, Soloist, Teacher, Writer
| Phone:
| +389 91 221 824
| Fax:
| +389 91 114 154
| Address:
| Leninova 14a, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia 91000
| Links:
E-mail |
| Born: 06.06.1970 in Skopje, Macedonia into a family of musicians. Father, Yane Kodjabashia composer and PhD. in Byzantin music. Mother Rujica Kodjabashia, primary music school teacher. Work Experience: 1999-2000 personal music & software assistant of Rolf Gehlhaar [sound=space] multimedia, 1995–1998 Macedonian National Radio and Television as a music producer and TV presenter, 1996-1998 Professor of piano at the "National Music and Ballet Educational Center" in Skopje, Macedonia. Education: 1999/2000 Master Degree in composition with Sir Harrison Birtwistle at King's College London. 1998 Post-graduate (Magisterium) diploma in composition from Academia de Musica in Bucharest, Romania with Anatol Vieru (student of Khachaturian and Shostakovich). Graduated from the Faculty of Musical Arts at the St. Cyril and Methody University in Skopje, 1993 in piano and 1997 in composition. Composition master classes: with Marco Stroppa (IRCAM), György Kurtag and György Ligeti. Piano master classes: with Boris Romanov, Imre Rohmann, Zoltan Kocsis, etc.
Works: Musical Drama "Explosion of a Memory" for 3 singers, actor, dancer, orchestra a due and live electronics, "Homework" for 5 instruments, "Assumptions" for piano 1999/2000, "Yellow Sostenuto" for ensemble & electronics 1999, "Kraftwerk Scherzo & Blues", "Hymn" 1998, "Symphony 1997" for large orchestra, "Die Hamletmaschine suite" upon the play by Heiner Müller for synth & samplers 1997. "Passacaglia" for Orchestra a tre "Canon with a blue end" for strings, "Crossfader" for 14 soloists, 1996, "Sonata 1992" and "Catharsis Variations" 1991 for piano, several Theatre and Film soundtrack commissions, "Alshar live plus" the jazz album 1997/98, etc… Discography: "Die Hamletmaschine and Songs Without Words" – Theatre and Film Music Compilation, Fyrma Records, 1998; "Alshar live @ Ohrid Summer Festival" – Live Recording, Fyrma Records 1998. "Guan" – piano music from Macedonian Contemporary Composers, Skopje Jazz Festival Records, 1995; "Macedonian Document" – Various Underground Artists, Trotoar Records, 1997. Commissions: piano concerto for Julian Joseph's 2000/01 concert series, Violin and electronics piece for Oleg Kondratenko's contemporary music recital tour-Germany 2000/01, Piano piece "Assumptions" for Julian Jacobson's "Beethoven Plus" recital series (premiered on 8th of March at Regent hall, London), piano piece for Marcelo Bratke, Musical Drama "Explosion of a Memory" for the Macedonian National Opera (to be premiered on 21st of June in Skopje), "Crossfader" for the Moscow Contemporary Music Ensemble (Public's award for best new piece at "the Moscow Autumn Festival" 1996), "Die Hamletmaschine"1996, "Mission"1998, and "The Dark Knight Returns"1999 theatre soundtracks commissioned by Macedonian National Theatre, "Amaro ma non troppo" a film soundtrack for MRTV and Vardar Films, etc…
Recitals: 1994 touring Great Britain, performing recitals of his own works at festivals in Manchester (for EPTA), St Giles Cripplegate, London, Bradford, Litchfield, Stratford-upon-Avon, and Southend-on-Sea, and also in Ljubljana (Slovenia) 1993, Bucharest (Romania) in 1997 Szombathely (Hungary) 1993, Sofia, Plovdiv (Bulgaria), Krayova (Romania) 1992, Sarajevo (Bosnia) 1990 and many more in Macedonia. Awards: Public's award for best new piece at "the Moscow Autumn Festival" 1996 for the piece "Crossfader", Best Festival Premiere for "Katharsis Variations" on DMM 1992, Theoretical articles, texts and publications: "Stravinsky's Serenade en La" - the modal approach, King's College London 1999, "Igor Stravinsky and Charlie Parker" – a comparative thesis, Union of the Romanian composers magazine 1997, "Sonology, spectral analyses and psycho-acoustics" – three essays, NAUKA, Macedonian popular science magazine 1998, "MIDI and AUDIO in orchestration", "Re-Composing the past" ZVUK Macedonian contemporary music magazine 1997, 24 TV scenarios for the "Musical Magazine" series on Macedonian National TV 1996/98, numerous audio and text reviews for the Macedonian National Radio and TV 1995/98, etc…Other: -Steinway & Sons piano artist (please visit, -ECAM ltd. Artist -Artistic director and composer of the ALSHAR ensemble -Member of the Macedonian union of composers [Information about Nikola Kodjabashia also available on most large Internet providers search engines, please type: Kodjabashia, or: Alshar, and click search] Nationality: Macedonian
| Judith Kopecky
| Skills:
| Singer, Teacher
| Address:
| Vienna, Austria
| Links:
Website E-mail |
| Born in Vienna, Austria, the young soprano studied singing, dramatic performance, Lied and Oratorio at the Academy of Performing Arts in Vienna as well as Anglistics at the Universtity of her hometown.
Since having completed her studies she has performed numerous parts in operas and operettas for example at the Volksoper Vienna, State Opera Prague, Viennese Chamber Opera and at renowned festivals such as the Festival Mozart in Schönbrunn and the Carinthean Summer Festival. As she is taking great interest in music of the 20th and 21st century she has already participated in three first performances of operas.
Another priority in her career are concerts, with her repertoire ranging from baroque to contemporary music. Thus she performs on a regular basis with the most renowned orchestras such as the Vienna Philharmonics, Radio Symphony Orchestra Vienna, Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana, Slovenian Philharmonics, Klangforum Vienna, et. al.
Additionally Judith Kopecky takes a great interest in recitals and she has aready successfully presented various programs in London, Prague, Vienna, Berlin, at the International Dvorak Festival Vysoka and at the Festspielhaus St. Pölten.
| Pavel Kopecky
| Skills:
| Composer, Teacher (film and electro-acoustic music)
| Address:
| Strizkovska 80, Prague 8 180 00, Czech Republic
| Links:
Website E-mail |
| I was born in Prague, on April 4, 1949. I began to study the piano when I was 8 years old and the cello at the age of 10. After graduating from the Electro-Technical Secondary School I was employed in the sound department of Czech TV in Prague. In 1972 I passed the entrance examinations for university studies at the Academy of Performing Arts (HAMU - Music Faculty), where I studied composition, piano and music pedagogy. Within the framework of the composition class I was chosen to attend the Summer Courses in Siena - Italy (prof. F. Donatoni). After completing my graduate composition for AMU (Concert for Piano and Orchestra), I was granted a post-gradual scholarship (for two years) at the State Conservatory in Moscow under prof. N. Sidelnikov. Now I am employed as a teacher in the Department of Music and Sound at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague - Film and TV Faculty (FAMU) and Music Faculty too.
| David Korevaar
| Skills:
| accompanist, composer, player, soloist, teacher
| Phone:
| +1 203 866 4034
| Fax:
| +1 203 866 4675
| Address:
| 3 Sasqua Pond Road, Norwalk,CT 06855, United States
| Links:
E-mail |
| David Korevaar's recent ventures have included his complete traversals of the two books of Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier, along with traditional recital programs and chamber music and concerto appearances. His recently issued recording of the first book of the WTC can be ordered online at .
Born in 1962, Korevaar has studied with the eminent American virtuosos Earl Wild and Abbey Simon, as well as with the remarkable Paul Doguereau. Along with a strong interest in new music, he performs from a wide repertoire of standard works of the last 300 years, and loves to explore some less-known nooks of the literature as well. Frequent forays into turn of the century music by Faure and Reger, as well as exploration of the solo piano works of Hindemith, Dohnanyi and others has been a hallmark of his programming since his New York debut at Town Hall in 1985 -- which was greeted by an enthusiastic review in the late-lamented Musical America by Faubion Bowers.
Honors and awards have included top prizes from the Peabody-Mason Foundation, and the William Kapell Competition, as well as a special prize for his performances of French Music from the Casadesus Competition. He is a member of the Prometheus Piano Quartet, and for many years performed as a member of Hexagon, winners of the Young Concert Artists Award.
Korevaar teaches at the University of Bridgeport, the Westport School of Music, and is currently completing studies for his Doctor of Musical Arts Degree at Juilliard.
| Denitza Kostova
| Skills:
| player, soloist, teacher (Violinist)
| Phone:
| +1 216 791 5000
| Address:
| 11021 East Boulevard, Cleveland OH 44106, United States
| Links:
E-mail |
| First Prize - Rio Hondo Concerto Competition, Los Angeles, CA, 1992. Special Bach Prize- Kingsville International Violin Competition, Kingsville, TX, 1995. Third Prize- Kingsville International Violin Competition, 1995. Semi-Finalist- Paganini International Violin Competition, Genoa, Italy, 1996, 1998. Runner-Up- Spotlight Music Competition, Los Angeles, CA, 1991. Winner- Montgomery International Fellowship Competition, Montgomery AL, 1997.
Solo Performances and Master Classes: Concertos- Auburn Symphony (AL)- Mendelssohn Violin Concerto, 1998. Montgomery Symphony (AL)- Brahms Violin Concerto, 1997 (CD). International Chamber Orchestra- Beethoven Violin Concerto, 1993; Vivaldi- "Four Seasons", 1993 (CD). Rio Hondo Symphony (CA)- Sibelius Violin Concerto, 1992. Plovdiv Philharmonic (Bulgaria) - Sibelius Violin Concerto, 1991; Paganini Violin Conerto #1, 1989; Mendelssohn Violin Concerto, 1986. Pazardgik Symphony (Bulgaria) - Mozart Violin Concerto #5, 1987; Bruch Violin Concerto #1, 1985. Master Classes with Arnold Steinhardt, Norman Brainin, Zachar Bron, Felix Galimir, Elmar Oliveira. Recitals in Bulgaria, Russia, United States, Canada, Italy.
Studied with: Donald Weilerstein (Cleveland, OH) 1997-Present Lewis Kaplan (New York) 1995-97 Taras Gabora (Oberlin, OH) 1993-97 Robert Lipsett (Los Angeles, CA) 1992-93 Todor Pelev (Idyllwild, CA) 1991-93 Eduard Schmieder (Idyllwild, CA) 1991-92 Tatyana Krasteva (Plovdiv, Bulgaria)1981-90
MM (in progress) - Cleveland Institute of Music. BM - Oberlin College Conservatory of Music, Oberlin OH, 1997. Graduate of the Plovdiv School of Music (Bulgaria) and Idyllwild Arts Academy (CA., USA).
| Olga Kryvtsova
| Skills:
| Soloist, Teacher (Cello)
| Links:
Website E-mail |
| André Edward La Velle
| Skills:
| Arranger, Composer, Player, Teacher
| Phone:
| +1 707 265 8922
| Fax:
| +1 707 265 8922
| Address:
| 2787 Indiana St, Napa, CA 94558, United States
| Links:
E-mail |
| I am a bassist, as well as a jazz and classical composer.
| Genevieve Lacey
| Skills:
| Player, Soloist, Teacher (Recorder)
| Address:
| Australia
| Links:
Website E-mail |
| Genevieve Lacey is acclaimed as a recorder virtuoso. She performs repertoire spanning nine centuries with commanding passion. She has recorded multiple CDs including Il flauto dolce, her first release with ABC Classics, which won the 2001 ARIA (Australian Recording Industry Award) for Best Classical Recording.
As well as her appearances as concerto soloist (touring both nationally and internationally with the Academy of Ancient Music, Australian Chamber Orchestra, Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra and the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra - including a performance at the 2001 Proms at Royal Albert Hall), Genevieve works as a solo recitalist in Australia and Europe. She also performs medieval repertoire with the Danish pipe and tabor player, Poul H¿xbro and has a keen interest in contemporary music, with a growing number of premieres and commissions to her name. In 2004, she performed the world premieres of Tulp, a new multi-media work with Elision ensemble, a solo work by John Rodgers and an ensemble piece by Lawrence Whiffen. She is currently collaborating on new works for recorder with Brett Dean, Joby Talbot (UK), Elena Kats-Chernin, Ross Edwards, John Rodgers, James Ledger, Geoffrey Burgon (UK) and Damian Barbeler.
Genevieve has a long and impressive formal education, holding academic and performance degrees (including a doctorate) in music and English literature from the University of Melbourne (Australia), the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis (Switzerland) and the Carl Nielsen Academy of Music (Denmark, class of Dan Laurin). She graduated from each of these academies as the most outstanding student. Genevieve is a Fellow of the Faculty of Music, University of Melbourne, where she is the youngest person to have been awarded this honour.
Between 2001 and 2003, Genevieve was the Artistic Director of the Melbourne Autumn Music Festival - Australia's longest-running early-music festival. In 2001, she was awarded the inaugural Music Council of Australia/Freedman Fellowship in Classical Music, a fellowship awarded to young Australian musicians of superb achievement to assist in building an international career.
| Edward Lambert
| Skills:
| accompanist, composer, conductor, player, publisher, teacher, piano
| Phone:
| +44 (0)70501 87765
| Address:
| The Old Rectory Stables, Smannell, Andover SP11 6JW, United Kingdom
| Links:
Website E-mail |
| Composer of contemporary 'classical' music, liturgical music, music for children and community performance, and also TV documentaries. Music performed at major UK venues - Huddersfield Festival, Bath Festival, London Opera Festival, etc. Modern, but not experimental; challenging but accessible. Also conductor and pianist.
| Claude Lamon
| Skills:
| Administrator, Manager, Player, Teacher
| Phone:
| +44 (0)1732 453 725
| Address:
| 4 B Holyoake Terrace Oakhill Road , Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 1PA, United Kingdom
| Links:
Website E-mail |
| Voce Ensemble was created in 2003 inspired by the musical and humanitarian vision of South African-born trumpeter Claude Lamon and violinist Cecilia Griffiths-Lamon and is directed by Barry Griffiths OBE With an impressive collective biography, Voce includes some of the finest established and emergent international artists amongst the members of its flexible chamber ensemble and orchestra. Proceeds from Voce Ensemble’s concerts, advertising and sponsorship help support children in South Africa affected by the HIV/AIDS crisis. Voce is also committed to developing and promoting musical talent from local communities. For more information on the charitable and community causes, music, artists and organisers of Voce Ensemble, visit
The Ensemble is available for hire and offers wide ranging groups from Chamber groups to Full size orchestra and choirs including African singers and classical music from South Africa. Hiring us we donate 25 of our fee to help fight HIV/AIDS in South Africa. All concerts are conducted by Barry Griffiths OBE
For Artists see