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Name: Robert David Billington
Skills: Player, Soloist, Teacher (Flute, piccolo, alto flute, baroque flute)
Phone: 305-669-1754
Address: 466 NE 210th Circle Ter #104, Miami, FL, United States
Links: Website     E-mail
Canadian-born flutist Robert David Billington earned his Doctor of Musical Arts Degree majoring in flute performance from the University of Miami in Coral Gables, FL. He also has a Master of Music Degree majoring in flute performance from Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, MI, and a Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in music from Northern Michigan University in Marquette, MI. Dr. Billington has also done post-graduate work at Ball State University in Muncie, IN, and at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champagne.

Dr. Billington has taught at the University of Miami, Boise State University, the University of Illinois, the University of Louisvile Preparatory and Non-Credit Department, the Louisville Academy of music, and at Ball State University. His doctoral essay, "A Description and Application of Robert Aitken's Concept of the Physical Flute," demonstrates a means by which the flutist can control certain physical elements of flute playing to become a better flute player.

Dr. Billington, currently the principal and solo flutist with the Miami Bach Society Orchestra, has performed with numerous orchestras in the United Staes and with festival orchestras in Europe. He also concertizes with the Billington and Gonzalez Classical Flute and Guitar Duo and with the LGEM Trio, a flute, guitar, and percussion trio that performs Western Hemisphere popular and folkloric music.

"Also on last night's program was Shun-san for solo flute, by Kazuo Fukushima, a Japanese composer. Robert Billington played the short work,which combines an Oriental style and sound in a Western structural framework. The sometimes breathy, sometimes steely tones, the microtones, simultaneously sounded tones and a host of other effects were all well-played by Billington." Owen Hardy, The Courier-Journal, Louisville, KY ". . . I was quite impressed with the flutist, Robert Billington." John Schuster-Craig, The Louisville Times, Louisville, KY ". . . Hurry, Ye Happy Shepherds, beautifully sung, and excellently accompanied by solo flute, played by Robert Billington." Raymond Barr, Coral Gables Gazette, Coral Gables, FL



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